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Johnny Case

Essay by   •  December 11, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  3,998 Words (16 Pages)  •  1,139 Views

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dfdfIn the mind of some people management and leadership may be identified as similar meaning. For people on the front lines of any corporation see management as leadership because they are usually their immediate boss. The truth is that management and leadership are two separate entities. Great managers might end up being leaders one day, but actual managers sever a different, more specific role then a leader. Leaders are the ones that have the vision, they are the ones that look at how to improve an organization over a long period of time, sometimes years ahead. Leaders develop the ideas and rely on managers to carry out the necessary procedures to tactically execute the vision.

Holding a leadership role in any organization come with a large price of responsibility. Leaders must show a since of business leadership, but also self- confidence, integrity, drive, and perhaps most importantly motivation. (Bateman & Snell, 2011) Motivation is key to the success of any organization because motivation can bring out the best of any individual. Leaders that are good motivators will typically have a lot or drive and integrity; which translates to self-confidence.

In today's business world diversity is key element to success at home and away. Many organizations operate in more than one country and diversity becomes a key factor in situations like these. In the United States affirmative action was introduced to make a special effort to recruit and hire members of groups that have been discriminated against in the past. (Bateman & Snell, 2011) Although those who oppose affirmative action argue that the job should go to the best man, todays business world needs these types of diversity to complete business tasks around the world by relating to out of country business leaders.

Organizations must find a solid relationship between effective expectations of the organization and the organizations actual performance. Expectations that are to high or too low can cause a discrepancy in the success of an operation. Many organizations bridge this gap by using a bureaucratic control system, which uses formal rules, standards, regulations and authority to guide performance. (Bateman & Snell, 2011) All employees will knows what is expected of them and will have a performance level to achieve to avoid disciplinary action.

In conclusion, although management and leadership provide different functions within an organization, they must work together in order to achieve the common goal. Leaders are responsible of creating and maintain a healthy organization. Leaders set the expectation and monitor the performance of the organization. Managers are responsible for tactics in which the goals are achieved.

In the mind of some people management and leadership may be identified as similar meaning. For people on the front lines of any corporation see management as leadership because they are usually their immediate boss. The truth is that management and leadership are two separate entities. Great managers might end up being leaders one day, but actual managers sever a different, more specific role then a leader. Leaders are the ones that have the vision, they are the ones that look at how to improve an organization over a long period of time, sometimes years ahead. Leaders develop the ideas and rely on managers to carry out the necessary procedures to tactically execute the vision.

Holding a leadership role in any organization come with a large price of responsibility. Leaders must show a since of business leadership, but also self- confidence, integrity, drive, and perhaps most importantly motivation. (Bateman & Snell, 2011) Motivation is key to the success of any organization because motivation can bring out the best of any individual. Leaders that are good motivators will typically have a lot or drive and integrity; which translates to self-confidence.

In today's business world diversity is key element to success at home and away. Many organizations operate in more than one country and diversity becomes a key factor in situations like these. In the United States affirmative action was introduced to make a special effort to recruit and hire members of groups that have been discriminated against in the past. (Bateman & Snell, 2011) Although those who oppose affirmative action argue that the job should go to the best man, todays business world needs these types of diversity to complete business tasks around the world by relating to out of country business leaders.

Organizations must find a solid relationship between effective expectations of the organization and the organizations actual performance. Expectations that are to high or too low can cause a discrepancy in the success of an operation. Many organizations bridge this gap by using a bureaucratic control system, which uses formal rules, standards, regulations and authority to guide performance. (Bateman & Snell, 2011) All employees will knows what is expected of them and will have a performance level to achieve to avoid disciplinary action.

In conclusion, although management and leadership provide different functions within an organization, they must work together in order to achieve the common goal. Leaders are responsible of creating and maintain a healthy organization. Leaders set the expectation and monitor the performance of the organization. Managers are responsible for tactics in which the goals are achieved.In the mind of some people management and leadership may be identified as similar meaning. For people on the front lines of any corporation see management as leadership because they are usually their immediate boss. The truth is that management and leadership are two separate entities. Great managers might end up being leaders one day, but actual managers sever a different, more specific role then a leader. Leaders are the ones that have the vision, they are the ones that look at how to improve an organization over a long period of time, sometimes years ahead. Leaders develop the ideas and rely on managers to carry out the necessary procedures to tactically execute the vision.

Holding a leadership role in any organization come with a large price of responsibility. Leaders must show a since of business leadership, but also self- confidence, integrity, drive, and perhaps most importantly motivation. (Bateman & Snell, 2011) Motivation is key to the success of any organization because motivation can bring out the best of any individual. Leaders that are good motivators will typically have a lot or drive and integrity; which translates to self-confidence.

In today's business world diversity is key element to success at home and away. Many organizations operate in more than one country and diversity becomes a key factor in situations like these. In the United States affirmative



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