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Mba Management

Essay by   •  April 11, 2011  •  Study Guide  •  828 Words (4 Pages)  •  2,300 Views

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Statement of purpose

Management has been a key to any successful organization and its different functions such as human resource , finance. Marketing has been an influential factor in enhancing the brand equity of the company. My dream is to be part of this challenging and complex core activity. The thought of pursuing my career in International Business came only when I took up a vocational subject, 'Foreign Trade' during my first year of graduation in Commerce. This field of study enlightened me with the fundamentals of trade conducted between countries.

I always wanted to be a part of a multinational company and I have come a step closer to that by opting for a 'Masters in INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS' program in your esteemed university. I have chosen this program because most companies are either International or compete with international companies. Due to the introduction of international companies, competition has become more global. Political relationships have also improved among different countries. The Governments are removing international business restrictions so as to help the multinational companies grow. Studying this course could instill in me the understanding to make better decisions.

There is no doubt that in India also, the working conditions are improving, research and development facilities expanding and business studies coming up the globalize standards and matching with the best in the world. Yet the lack of appropriate infrastructure, paucity of funds at the higher levels of learning coupled with the uncertain policies of the governing bodies only hinder the growth and spoil the work atmosphere. It is to acquire these competencies that I wish to study at your university in the Singapore. I feel that an international education experience will equip me with the abilities to succeed in the competitive world both locally and globally.

The current emphasis on globalization and the need for every professional to work according to international standards has prompted me to study abroad.

I have done my schooling from "D.A.V. PUBLIC SCHOOL" one of the few educational stalwarts synonymous with gearing its students to become future leaders, laying carefully ideated emphasis on all round development. At school, from an early age I was recognized for my team building, communication and leadership skills and was made school prefect. I also captained my school Football and Cricket teams at inter school level . This was an achievement that instilled in me the initial lessons of managing human resource, inspiring my classmates and juniors to maximize their potential to the fullest.

I graduated in Bachelors of Commerce ( from Symbiosis



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