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My Local Park

Essay by   •  July 19, 2012  •  Essay  •  275 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,105 Views

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One of my favorite things to do before starting my day is to take a jog in the local park. My mind will clear, and I will be able to face whatever may happen that day. It makes me appreciate the simple things in life a lot more. Jogging in the park during early hours opens up opportunities to see different scenes and portraits and open my mind to a new perspective and plans for success.

Entering the park, a slight breeze rustles the leaves making them fall to the solid ground one by one. The sun begins to rise, waking the tired sleepers. Flowers are vast, and they conceal the freshly cut green grass. There are sun-colored daisies, vivid purple lilies, carrot tinted hydrangeas, and cotton candy pink hyacinths. The pathway is nothing more than dirt littered with random rocks. The ground, moist from the night before, causes my footing to slip, keeping me on my toes. There is a white picket fence that remembers me when I was a child living in Honduras running in the streets with many friends. The park is barren except for an elderly couple feeding the ducks and a couple of fellow joggers breathing in the fresh morning air.

Walking by the minute green and brown tinted pond, the milky white, soft feathered ducks can be heard a block away as they quack and battle for the food being thrown for them. The elderly couple, dressed in their black silk slacks and crème colored matching sweaters, watch in amusement as they are the ones causing all the excitement.



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