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Narcissism Personality Disorder

Essay by   •  May 19, 2011  •  Research Paper  •  637 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,274 Views

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Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissism is defined by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), a high need for admiration, and an abnormal lack of empathy. People who suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) have high expectations for themselves. They feel as if they deserve special treatment everywhere they go; they have a sense of self-importance and are always looking to receive attention. Narcissistic individuals also lack sensitivity and compassion for others. Research shows that there are nine (9) diagnostic criteria's. If the patient is diagnosed with five or more of those criteria's then the patient can be diagnosed with this personality disorder (LaRoche, 2007).

Living with a person who is Narcissistic is very challenging because he or she does not see other points of view. People who suffer with NPD like to be in charge and set the rules; this can cause a conflict within their relationship when it is time to compromise and/or work together. Due to the fact that they do not like to be told what to do, people with a narcissistic personality disorder often are aggressive. This personality can make it seems as if they are arrogant. For example, they would want the best seats at a restaurant, the closest parking spot because they feel they deserve it; they have a tendency to exploit others and show very little empathy and when they are around other successful people; they become envious and arrogant (Barlow & Durand, 2004).

Individuals dealing with NPD can have a negative impact on their personal relationships because NPD is linked to game playing, infidelity, and high levels of unrestricted sociosexuality (Miller, Widiger & Campbell, 2010). At first, a narcissist may come across as likable, but that often disappears over time once they are in their comfort zone with a person. Their lives seem to be perfect and they expect the best. In some cases, NPD can cause the self-esteem of the romantic partners of patients to drop. On the other hand, NPD can have a completely opposite effect on the personalities of those close to the patient. They may become more demanding and raise their expectations in accordance with the NPD patient (Ronningstam, 2005).

A common opinion stated that parenting patterns contributed to the development of NPD. Children normally receive help in developing realistic self-esteem to modulate grandiosity, distress and excitement from their parents but, if there is inconsistent attunement and attachment, this can lead to failure in the development of the patient (Ronningstam, 2005).

Narcissism is also very confusing to diagnose because it often involves other disorders such as depression. There are several methods of treatments that are used to treat NPD such as Cognitive and Dialectical behavior therapy to help patients focus on day to day situations and coping strategies. As of today, there are



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