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Parents and Children - Communicative Communication Problems

Essay by   •  September 27, 2017  •  Essay  •  733 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,515 Views

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A. Background

Parents and children are a component of an organization called family. Parents as leaders in the organization are responsible for everything that happens to the growth and development of children. Basically every family wants to build a happy and loving family both inwardly and inwardly. But often found a broken home family.

The child is an amazing creature and full of puzzles and interesting to study. But that does not mean children are experimental materials in terms of applying the appropriate pattern of education. Implementation of inappropriate educational patterns can be fatal to the development of children's character. And if that happens, then the parents are the main actors who will be blamed for the inappropriate attitude and behavior of children with the norms prevailing in the community. Because the judgment is not successful parents in educating and developing the character of children is a community in direct contact with both. On one side of the child can be a clear mirror of his parents, the good example given by parents to children will look at the attitude and behavior of children in everyday life. But on the other hand the child can also backfire, which at times can come back with bringing various conflicts and problems for the family. Keep in mind, the child is the person who should be developed, not the material that needs to be formed. Each individual develops with its own characteristics, with its own uniqueness and identity. These complex differences will have an important effect on the success or failure of education provided by parents to children.

A child has a developed and developed moral aspect. Which has the greatest influence on the appropriate behavior or not with the prevailing moral values ​​is the environment. Since birth, the first environment a child knows in his / her life is the parent, therefore the parents and family have the greatest role in the child's moral development. Starting from the nature of a child who is a potential development path depends on the environment around the child. If a child's environment is unconcerned and apathetic to the norm, then a child can certainly not understand and ignore the norms of both religious norms, social norms and other norms.

Parents should already teach religious values ​​to children at a very young age of 0-3 years, because religious behavior is something that should be familiarized and inculcated early to the child as a foundation or foundation to do everything. Educational values ​​about religion will also help the child to maintain his fitrah as human beings, maintain the soul, nourish the mind, keep the offspring and maintain and keep themselves from following the lust.

Communicative communication problems between parents and children are not to be underestimated, to create successful interactions with each child, parents need to pay attention to methods of effective communication and guidance to the child. Social facts prove that there are still many parents who fail or can be said to be pessimistic in developing the child's personality, and ultimately delegate responsibility for supervision and guidance only when the child is in an educational institution. Though realized or not, when parents only rely on educational institutions to monitor the development of children will bring up other problems. When children leave from home to school, then the mind set of parents is the child will get the security and comfort in educational institutions. Most parents only think home and school, and often rule out how the child is in the space between the two. This means that the road on the street also has many risks that can damage and affect the attitude and behavior of children. So it is necessary for parents to minimize the risk that a child will receive by shortening the gab between the distance from home to school. The solution to minimize Gab is not only in terms of distance but also by establishing communication between families with educational institutions. Educational institutions can add hours of student activity by providing extra activities to occupy children in non-activity learning activities on the streets. Another way is to give full attention to the development of children, namely by implementing effective communication patterns and provide guidance in accordance with the child's personality.



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