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Psychology 150 - Fear Case

Essay by   •  April 28, 2011  •  Essay  •  694 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,463 Views

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Psychology 150


This article relates to the study of psychology because fear has to do with behavior and mental processes. Fear is a type of phobia. For example anxiety disorders have the tendency to create fear of fear. Where most people are likely to experience fear during a situation that is scary, but the people who suffer from anxiety disorders are in some sort afraid to become afraid. They notice that their fear reactions are negative and go out of their way to stay away from those reactions.

This issue being discussed in this article is that fear can cause people to become defensive and it also involves anxiety. Having anxiety can affect a person's life extremely. Nick Ianniello explains in his article that when a person has anxiety and fear they can lose control of a situation they're in. I think that this means that fear can affect people's everyday lives. Another issue that is being talked about in this article is when someone has an intense fear about a certain situation, the person themselves can't keep their mind under control.

"Dealing with the effect of fear, anxieties" addresses the four goals of psychology in a lot of ways. The article describes fear as an intense form of anxiety and describes the many different ways the mind works when someone is fearful of an activity or situation they are in. The next goal is explain. In the article, Nick Ianniello explains what types of fear there are and how to practice ways to get over your fear. There are two types of fear stimuli. The first type of fear is environmental which creates a direct physical threat to another person. The second is psychological which creates no physical threat to another person. There is a prediction made in the article and it states, "According to the personality theories of both Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, an integrated personality depends on a balanced interaction between the conscious and unconscious sides of the mind. Jung's analytical theory details two parts of the unconscious which he calls "personal" and "collective" (Fear: Psychology and Mechanics, 2006). I agree with this quote completely. The last goal is change and in this article it talks about how there is a possibility in reducing your fear in those certain situations through adaptation and habituation. This is meaning if you continually put a person through an activity or scene they are scared of they will eventually get used to it and lessen their fear.

I think the author, Nick Ianneillo, knows what he is talking about because he has quotes from famous psychologists such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Jeffrey Gray, William Stein, and Arno Karlen. I also think that the author knows what he is talking about because this article was published in the newspaper.



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