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Reform Movements and Temperance Movements

Essay by   •  April 27, 2011  •  Essay  •  324 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,062 Views

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Reform Movements and Temperance movements

Reform Movements developed during the 19th century and early 20th century in the United States. The Movements helped address specific problems people were facing during the ruff times. These movements include the Temperance Movement and the movement to end child labor and many more.

During the early 1900s the United States had become acquired to the use of the everyday sold beverage, alcohol. Alcohol had been so accustomed to the American society that it had progressed into a problem, such as health risks, abuse occurring in families and accidents occurring at work. Written in document 5 Alcohol has become a "poison" and had destroyed the "public health, and continues to destroy" unless action is taken. Temperance Movements were the ones to control and prohibit the use of alcohol, and try and make alcohol illegal in the United States. Shown in document 4 alcohol had a huge effect on American society from wrecking of families, crime rate sky rocketing and ruined fortunes during the 1920s. World War I provided the opportunity for the temperance movement to enact the ban of alcoholic substances. The movement argued that brewing and distilling industries were using up most of the grain for alcohol. Instead of using the grain for the soldiers only supply of food, they were using it for alcohol production. By the 1916's more than half of the United States already prohibited the use of alcohol most commonly known as the Webb-Kenyon Act. 1919 Prohibition was placed as the 18th amendment in the Constitution of the Untied States. As told in document 6 Crime became more highlighted and people "participated in the illegal act rather then complain about it". Temperance Movements took the hold of what congress and police could not.

Children during the 1900s were worked straight to the bone worn out and drained for pay less then minimum wage. The movement to end child labor



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