Rex Walls
Essay by Kill009 • September 21, 2011 • Essay • 412 Words (2 Pages) • 2,015 Views
Number 3
Rex Walls is an insufficient Dad constantly failing to provide for his children . His addiction to alcohol has torn his family apart tremendously and has caused him to fail his family. However in some brief moments of somberness he manages to give his family some heartfelt memories. One particular memory that was especially tender was during a Christmas in their stay in the desert. They Walls had no money and therefore they never let their children believe in Santa Clause. Having no real gifts to give, Rex gave them something that will stay with them and me forever. He took them outside one by one let them look into the sky and choose a star, he told them the stars would be theirs for years to come and in the future people would have to ask their ancestors for permission to visit the stars. I thought that was so sweet that he tried his hardest to give them something special.
Rex Walls was never rich in a materialistic sense but in knowledge he was a billionaire. In his somber moments he filled his children's mind with so much wisdom that in some instances they exceeded their teachers. Rex had a brilliant mind, he knew so much about the world and how it works had he not wasted away on alcohol he could have given his children an easier life. Though he lacked money for his children to inherit he passed along many important life lessons most people don't never learn.
Though as most conventional people would disagree, I feel that Rex Walls putting his children through some (not all) of their hardships were a blessing in disguise. He taught his kids to be thankful and hardworking. I'm not saying I think that it was good that they went without food and suitable shelters; but I am saying that because they went without they learned the importance of not being wasteful. There are people all over the world that are starving and average families today are just squandering away plates full of food on a daily basis. The Walls learned to live by their needs and necessities not by materialistic things. Also to escape their hard lives with the family most of the Walls children worked nonstop contributing all of their hard earned money in to an escape pot. When they finally broke free from the struggles of Welch they succeeded in finding challenging jobs and making in life.