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Self Govern Case

Essay by   •  June 6, 2013  •  Essay  •  763 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,297 Views

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According to a dictionary definition, autonomy refers to "a self-governing community". Adding what we have learned in class to this dictation, autonomy can be further described as a community, or a nation, that is independent and self-governing in every way, including political, social, and economic aspects. In order for Canada to escape its subordinate state to the Great Britain and to achieve such autonomous national state, a lot of historical events had taken place. In this essay, I want to closely observe many events which had taken place in 1914 to 1945 to better understand and interpret the complicated process through which Canada gained a complete political, social, and economic autonomy from Britain.

Through numerous events that had taken place during the period of 1914 to 1945, Canada thoroughly achieved political independence from Britain. One of the first and critical events that initiated the process of Canadian autonomy from Britain took place in 1920, when Canada was granted a permission to participate to the League of Nations as an independent, free-voting member, separate from Britain. Being able to participate to the biggest international organization where many nations come together to put forth their independent voice and efforts into international co-operation to prevent wars and to achieve global peace signifies both symbolic and practical start for Canadian autonomy. In 1922, Canada refused Britain's call to support British troops in defending the Turkish port of Chanak. Through this crucial event, Canada exhibitioned its strong desire and confidence to have its own political and military freedom apart from Britain. Furthermore, the Halibut Treaty signed between Canada and U.S. truly symbolized the approaching finalization of Canadian political autonomy. Devised and signed to protect the halibuts along the Pacific Coast, this treaty was signed independently by Canadian national government, without any influence from Britain, suggesting Canada's independent state which allowed and enabled Canada to make its own political choices and future by itself, on its own.

To gain a complete independence from Britain, Canada has not stopped at achieving political economy but worked for thorough social autonomy. The Nickle Resolution, which was passed in 1919, vanished the British knighthoods or other British peerage titles in Canada, no longer allowing Canadians to receive such titles from Britain. This event symbolizes the vanishment of British way of defining Canadian social class and signifies the start of new establishment of social class and status free from British influence. Impacted by such events, the British patriotic sentiments in Canada started to slowly, but surely, fade away as a new desire and determination to stand as a free, independent nation with newly found Canadian national identity and patriotism arose.

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