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Strengths and Shortcomings of Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy

Essay by   •  October 19, 2013  •  Research Paper  •  984 Words (4 Pages)  •  12,026 Views

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This essay will discussed on the strengths and shortcomings of Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT). This essay will allow us to have a simple understanding on the possible strengths and shortcomings of the REBT Theory proposed by Ellis (Ellis, 1995).

To begin the essay, an introduction to REBT will be illustrated. It should be noted that REBT was invented by Ellis; after noting the lack of efficiency in psychoanalytic theory, Ellis (Ellis, 2002).

The essay will include my thoughts and reactions to the approach of REBT at the end of essay.

Keywords: Strengths, Shortcomings, REBT, Rational, Behavior. Therapy, Emotive and Cognitive

Strengths and Shortcomings of Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy

Introduction: Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), previously called rational therapy and rational emotive therapy, is a comprehensive, active-directive, philosophically and empirically based psychotherapy which focuses on resolving emotional and behavioral problems and disturbances and enabling people to lead happier and more fulfilling lives (Ellis, 1994). REBT is one form of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and was first expounded by Ellis in the mid-1950s; development continued until his death in 2007 (Ellis, 2007; Velten, 2010).

Strengths of REBT

REBT is an approach for people looking for solutions in changing the way of their thinking instead of the approach of drug therapy. The results can be seen in a relatively quicker manner compare to many other approach because of the emphasis on the present. The therapist(s) required to focus at a few activating events and dispute on the belief of such these events instead of probing into every bad thing that ever occurred. Another advantage, when the therapist is well-equipped in the REBT technique, he/she may use the technique at her disposal when there is/are any negative or irrational beliefs appear in the counselling session. This technique can be equipped for every individual and once equipped this technique, the individual may use the technique to self-manage. Therefore reducing the need to visit a therapist but this require hard work constantly manage him/herself on the thinking pattern(s) and/or behavior (Moore, 2007).

Other potential strengths of REBT and its application can take into consideration of the development level of an individual (especially with regards toward teenagers). The approach of REBT are direct approach, didactic style and it relies much on empiricism which teenagers would not feel that they are in a psychotherapy session. Where other approaches comes across as intimidating to these teenagers, REBT is exactly the opposite (Ellis & MacLaren, 1998). REBT approach will allow teenagers to find it more comfort and willing to share their emotions and feelings thus allowing building of trust and stronger communication between the therapist and client (Studies, n.d.).

Shortcomings of REBT

One of the key shortcoming would be REBT's confrontation approach in the disputing of one's belief through the ABCD Framwork. Not



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