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Suicide Case Study

Essay by   •  June 30, 2011  •  Case Study  •  572 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,984 Views

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The study found that more than 90% of doctors, patients and the general public believed that it was ethical for doctors to give patients enough morphine (a strong and potentially lethal pain-killing drug) to control their pain, "even if premature death was the likely result." Doctors and ethicists generally draw a distinction between the administration of drugs with the intent to cause death and giving a patient as much of a drug as is needed to relieve pain. Even if a patient dies because of an overdose, they reason, such a result is not immoral because death was not the intent.Unfortunately, if people truly want to die, nothing is going to stop them. If that is the case, let's be humane and orderly about it.

im christian but I choose the religion for myself. I dont tell other people that they have to live through unimaginable pain because of what i believe in.Nothin gives any body the right to control the fate of anothers life.If the patient wants to die that's their choice not yours. America has freedom of religion and i believe in god but i do not have the right to control the life of another person.

Life - it is truly the greatest gift we are ever given. However, for some people suffering from chronic illnesses, that life can start to seem like more of a burden to themselves and their loved ones. Medical science is not infallible, and there are still a myriad number of conditions that we cannot reverse or cure. Some people believe that, in those situations, it is more caring and humane to allow the sick person the choice to end their lives with dignity through assisted suicide. Others argue that the taking of any life is murder, and should not be sanctioned by the law under any circumstances. In this article, I will examine the politically charged issue of assisted suicide and the arguments on both sides of it.

Historical evidence of assisted suicide dates as far back as the Roman Empire, where wounded warriors were given the option of dying with dignity instead of living as a drain on the State. However, as medical science progressed through the centuries, conditions that would have previously been considered incurable became more and more survivable. With the introduction of the Hippocratic Oath, the pledge sworn by every doctor to do no harm to their patient, assisted suicide became less and less prevalent. However, in the late 20th century, there was a new boom of interest in the practice due to the efforts of Dr. Jack Kevorkian and other proponents of the "Right To Die" movement. As of this writing, assisted suicide is legal under strict supervision in three of the fifty states - Washington, Oregon and Montana.

Advocates for assisted suicide usually argue that the decision to end a life should belong to the person in question, and not the state, family, or medical establishment. Many terminal illnesses can be managed for indefinite periods of time,



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