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The Debates on the Australian History

Essay by   •  August 11, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,546 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,828 Views

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In the current Australian historic perception, there are many arguments that have been raised in relation to the historical evidence. These debates are what this article analyses based on the primary and secondary evidence, the gaps and silences in the history together with the evidence that is made by the authors in relation to a nation that has been implicated in the historic representation.

The debates on the Australian history

The existence of the past has been perceived to be paradoxical in a way, based on which the existence has only been secured in the forms that the past is demarcated publicly and as such presented with consequences that is obvious that the present cultural marks are inevitably borne from which there is purposeful distinguishing. In the argument that is based on the relevance of the policy, a critical perspective can be offered on some tendencies that are predominant; that are discernible in the formation that expands the historical sphere of the Australian public. Separately from the enlargement of the past based on the sense of the number of sites that are significantly increasing and whose demarcation has been termed as historical, there is an exhibition of textual characteristics that are closely related. First, there is the perception of the idea of the Australian past experiencing more autonomy. To understand this, attention should be based on the understanding that there are more Australianised; as there is a tendency of the history being referred to one another and not as it has previously been the case, establishing the reference points in the contemporary or earlier moments in the history. In respect to this, Attwood (1996) highlights that the past of Australia has been separated from its pre history thereby are set off alone as a course that is self supporting. In addition, the past which is perceived to be newly automated has been alienated considerably, thereby being pushed further and even further into the times that are deeper, with an aim of suggesting a long continuity sense for the nation's history. Lastly, there is a tendency of the past becoming more inclusive in its course, thereby enfolding into a history of its own the group and community histories that in the past have had little recognition in the versions of the Australian history that is sanctioned officially.

According to Benet (1988), Friendric Nietzsche was perhaps one of the critics that were most acerbic in the historical consciousness of the 19th century and particularly with a tendency of monumentalizing the national history publicly in the sanctuaries. His realization is indeed a confirmation that his historical resistance was outdated. A conviction is however offered in the malleability of the past in a way that is sufficient to ensure responsiveness to the debates that concerns not only the contours in the present but also the trajectory in the future. There is no enhancement of this possibility to the same degree in the cases whereby there is a longer history in such past therefore presenting a weight that is more accumulated behind them. The past in the Australia does not seem to pretend to be stately. However, there is accumulation of this past at a rate that is unprecedented. Unless there is a check on some of the tendencies defining the past, then enough evidence is drawn to the assumption that this past will also come to close itself. This is in invitation of the contemplation that is passive rather than it may be suggested to be more suitable serving as a resource that is critical through which active contemplation will be prompted to the debate in the public relating to the future paths of the development of the nation. Anyway York (1993) notes that there is order in some history though.

Development of the public statuary has been one of the public historical spheres contents that are more important. However, in the 18th century, there was a tendency of the sculptural memorials to the homes or even to the public chapels together with the aristocracy gardens, with such memorials transformation being witnessed in the early 19th century. As it has been evidently noticed, the campaigns aimed at erecting public monuments in commemoration of the achievements of Australia that was prominent were limited and far between together with having failure of recruitment of the government support or private patronage that was sufficient for viability or were success was encountered, little enthusiasm was enlisted when built. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, there had been preservationist lobbies in most societies of Europe together with the United States through which rudimentary legislation heritage forms had been produced and the basis for heritage organizations with a capability of coordination of campaigns for the historic sites preservation together with the administration of those sites at the national



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