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Huck Finn History

Essay by   •  April 3, 2011  •  Essay  •  809 Words (4 Pages)  •  2,423 Views

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Although Huck's age does not change drastically in the novel, through his experiences and encounters, he matures and forms his own opinions. Kids tend to be followers for the pure reason of it being the easiest way, however, Huck discovers that following is not always the right way and he proves this knowledge through is actions. Huck's size and looks may not change much but in this short sum of time the novel is written, his maturity is quiet noticeable. In order to realize many of these changes within Huck it is important to consider the setting of the book.

The story took place before the Civil War, which was when there were still many slaves and the majority of whites in southern places were racist. When Huck's life leads him to encounter a colored man named Jim, it teaches him how to build his own character. Jim worked as a servant for Miss Watson (one of the women who took Huck in to live with them). Jim also had a family there, but when threatened to be separated and sold away from them, he goes against the law and runs away. As Huck is hiding trying to keep the whole town thinking he had been killed, he comes upon Jim in the woods. Huck was raised and taught that run-away slaves must be turned in and punished, and not returning them would send him to hell instead of heaven. However, knowing who Jim was and also knowing the reason he ran away, Huck goes against what others would have done and what he was raised to do and decides not to rat Jim out. This is one of Huck's actions that show he uses his own opinions and knowledge of Jim to lead him in his own decision making. Many of Huck's quotes are also examples of how he treats Jim differently and allows himself form his own opinion for him.

"We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness. It was kind of solemn, drifting down the big, still river, laying on our backs looking up at the stars,

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and we didn't ever feel like talking loud, and it warn't often that we laughed-only a little kind of a low chuckle. We had mighty good weather as a general thing, and nothing ever happened to us at all-that night, nor the next, nor the next." This quote found in Chapter 12 reveals that Huck is able to be around Jim and act as if he were around any other person. The fact that Huck is able to do this exposes the idea that Jim as well as all other colored people are not any different and that they should not be treated any different. "I do believe he cared just as much for his people as white folks does for their'n." This quote from Huck is his own realization that Jim cares for his family just like white people care for theirs. As Huck and Jim are trying to survive with each other Huck learns more and more about Jim and it all contributes to his maturity as a person. Jim talks about his family and how he misses them all and Huck is able to



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