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The Entrepreneurs at Twitter: Building a Brand, a Social Tool or a Tech Powerhouse?

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The Entrepreneurs at Twitter: Building a Brand, a Social Tool or a Tech Powerhouse?

Joseph Kahn

Ottawa University

The Entrepreneurs at Twitter: Building a Brand, a Social Tool or a Tech Powerhouse?

        Today, Twitter is a great place to find entrepreneurs and learn from their experiences beside read the latest headline. Twitter has been known to be busy and popular social site besides Google and Facebook. In 2006, Twitter's founder Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey and Biz Stone introduced micro blogging service which allows users to post short messages with friends or other followers connected to their communication flow that would update present event from anywhere in the world. Over time, Twitter has grown from 8 million in 2009 to over 140 million users today. However, today, the company is struggling to plan its future on generating revenue.

        Since its success, there were multiple investors have invested millions of dollars into the company. By September 2009, Twitter was valued stUS$1 billion and one of the most popular social site in the world (Haden, 2014). Company's founder was also working on getting more funds to continue expanding the company and support its users. But the founders didn't have a vision in companies future on generating profit or revenues. At one point, the founders of twitter have decided to start charging some of the users some kind of fee for their businesses following the Skype model.

        The strategy of many entrepreneurs are mainly to stay open to any question and answers or sharing their advice. The significant push toward both social media and branding has made it nearly impossible to avoid this social space. These entrepreneurs also utilizes ideas such as posting blogs with details about their experiences on tasks that can be well learnt lesson for many that follows. This feature from twitter have enabled for people to get involved in any discussions or take opportunity to ask questions. Whether one is educating customers about their product or service, reaching a new audience or promoting their brand, Twitter is one of the most useful places to be to achieve your marketing goals. It's a great way for people to socialize with anybody on twitter very easily. Twitter have also established a tool call tweet deck which is also a popular tools for complete Twitter management. Tweet deck lets one track, organize, and engage with its followers through a customizable dashboard where they can see at a glance the activity from different lists, followers, hash tags, etc (Haden, 2014). According to a study from researchers Feng Wang and Ross Maciejewski of Arizona State University and Elizabeth A. Mack of Michigan State University, they have gathered information from twitter site to identify the nation’s leading centers for entrepreneurship and map the entrepreneurial networks that underlie them. Twitters first successful operations was in Austin 2007, at a Southwest festival where the participants from the festival were able to see their tweets flash across television screens in real time (Florida, Small, 2017). Few days later the number of tweets tripled to 60,000 per day, since everybody talked about the service. Since then, tweeter has become very popular and added new features to its product such as RSS feeds and integration with IM. In 2015, the Pew Research Center found that 23 percent of online adults use Twitter (Florida, Small, 2017).



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