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The Gap Inc.'s Social Responsibility Report

Essay by   •  August 28, 2011  •  Essay  •  575 Words (3 Pages)  •  7,540 Views

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1. Do you think Gap Inc. has demonstrated global corporate citizenship, as defined in this chapter? Why or why not?

Global corporate citizenship means that companies must not only be engaged with stakeholders but be stakeholders themselves alongside governments and civil society. Since companies depend on global development, which in turn relies on stability and increased prosperity, it is in their direct interest to help improve the state of the world. When Gap Social Responsibility Report in 2004, which was unprecedented, historic and in the category of pioneer work, I think Gap demonstrated global corporate citizenship. Gap admitted its flaws and did everything in its power to correct them. The company became transparent to everyone regardless of positive or negative reactions.

2. In its response to problems in its contractor factories, do you think Gap Inc. moved through the stages of corporate citizenship presented in this chapter? Why or why not?

Corporate citizenship is a term used to describe a company's role in, or responsibilities towards society.

So in Gap's situation, it has moved through the elementary stage because at first it seemed they were not concerned the citizenship. The products were often made in sweatshops-factories where underage, underpaid workers performed 16-hour or long days in abhorrent, unsafe conditions.

Then Gap went through the engaged stage, it turned to Social Accountability International and developed a Code of Vendor Conduct. This is because Gap became aware that they needed to change public expectations.

To make sure all the contractors were abiding by the code; Gap hired more than 90 vendor compliance officers to audit the contractors. And they are not afraid of the negative reaction. To make sure the VCOs can make right decision, Gap hired Verite to audit the auditing effort and train VCOs. This process means that Gap is in the innovative stage and they continue in the process of auditing and tracking improvements.

3. Compare Gap Inc.'s social audit and reporting practices with those of other companies described in this chapter. In what ways is Gap's effort different, and in what ways is it similar? Do you think Gap's social auditing and reporting is better or worse than these of other companies, and why?

I think Gap's effort is different in that they didn't notice that they had a problem and the third party informed them they had to change. Faced all these allegations, Gap chose to face it and solve the problem. Gap's effort is similar with other companies that they acted immediately and changed the way things are done.

Gap's social auditing and reporting are better than other companies. Since they are not afraid of the negative reaction and keeping finding the way to do the auditing more transparent, Gap was thinking of changing



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