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Tutoring Case

Essay by   •  February 21, 2012  •  Essay  •  330 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,462 Views

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The concern of tutoring and education has been an ongoing topic discussed by schools, colleges, professional educators, and concern parents for several years. Tutoring has had a basic purpose in education and that has been the same from the time tutoring begun. According to the learning assistance and resource center at West Chester University (n.d) states that "The purpose of tutoring is to help students help themselves. Tutors assist or guide students to become independent learners who can do the work on their own. Tutoring aims to supplement what is done in the classroom and during an individual's study time, not substitute for it."

So has education changed by tutoring; it would actually depend on the viewpoint and ending results to the role, knowledge, and skills that the tutor possesses. By sharing the educational information with the students it can provide a strategy for learning. A benefit for the students to learn his or her concepts of that covered course and using the adapted knowledge in his or her class courses. After receiving tutoring assistance for a short-term the student can better approach text discussions, homework, and understand classroom materials that will have a major outcome for the student's achievement with class test questions and sample problems.

In the beginning; tutoring was a construct of learning assistance in the United States postsecondary education programs in the early 1600. It has been examine as a six phase's type of programming throughout history from the 1600s to the 1820s. According to the History of Learning Assistance in U.S. Postsecondary Education (2010) "learning assistance only provided individual tutors, and no remedial or developmental courses were offered. The majority of students involved in postsecondary education were white males from privileged cultural and economic backgrounds." During that time learning assistance or tutoring was a response of the colleges and was a requirement for college admission. The colleges at that time used admission and applications as a student's result of deficiencies requirements for the college courses.



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