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Wheat Grass Therapy for Cancer

Essay by   •  June 5, 2011  •  Case Study  •  926 Words (4 Pages)  •  2,224 Views

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In 1998, a 58-year-old woman in Karachi was diagnosed with last stage cervical cancer. The disease had spread to other parts of her body and physicians declared that she would not survive because of the severity of the illness. However, the woman and her family did not lose hope and opted for chemotherapy. All cycles of her treatment were over but they proved to be insufficient in improving her condition.

Then, after few months, one of her relatives in India showed her a ray of hope by informing her about wheatgrass therapy. The woman was quite anxious and wanted to start the treatment as soon as possible. Within a week after beginning wheatgrass therapy, improvement was observed in her hemoglobin level and white blood cell counts. Her overall health also showed improvement. She continued using the therapy and surprisingly lived for five more years.

Cancer has become a household menace in Pakistan, but most people are not aware of the alternative therapy offered by something as natural as wheatgrass. A claim cannot be made as to the herbal therapy being a cure for cancer, but in many cases around the world patients have benefited from it. It is not known to harm the body, and the benefits it may offer cannot be considered a replacement of the regular treatment being offered by certified cancer hospitals. The following are the origins, the ingredients, and technique for growing wheatgrass for therapy purposes at home.

Wheatgrass therapy was introduced by Dr Ann Wigmore in 1940. The determined lady believed in natural resources to cure diseases and she successfully treated many of her cancer patients with the therapy. Wheatgrass is the richest source of various essential substances required by the body such as, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, calcium, potassium, iron and 19 different types of amino acids. It is a rich source of almost all the vitamins like Vitamin A, B, C, E and K. Moreover, it also contains Laetrile- B17 which is identified as an anti-cancer agent. Besides all these nutritional elements, the most vital ingredient of wheatgrass is Chlorophyll.

The chemical composition of chlorophyll is similar to hemoglobin. Dr Urp Thomas, after his long research has concluded that among all types of grasses, wheatgrass can prove to be the most beneficial to everyone because it supplies you with all the necessary nutrients.

The technique for growing wheat grass is quite simple. Take seven pots measuring one square foot and about three inches deep. Fill up the pot with a mixture of 75 per cent soil and 25 per cent manure. Very sticky soil or soil treated with chemical fertilizers is undesirable for growing wheatgrass.

Take 100 grams of big fresh grains of wheat and soak them in water for about 12 hours for sprouting. After 12 hours take the sprouts out and wrap them in a thick damp cloth. Tie them up tightly for another 12-14 hours. After this period spread



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