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Euthanasia Case

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Euthanasia is ending of person's life in order to relieve pain and suffering.

The world Euthanasia comes from the Greek language "eu" that means good and "thanhatos" that means death. This combined means "well death" or "dying well".

Thanasia is ending of person's life in order to relieve pain and suffering.

The world Euthanasia comes from the Greek language "eu" that means good and "thanhatos" that means death. This combined means "well death" or "dying well".

History of euthanasia in the USA

Euthanasia bill drafted in 1906 in Ohio, but doesn't succeed. During the 1930s peeked again and dropped during and after World War II. During the 1960s and 1970s euthanasia efforts were bringing back. New cases enhanced the patients' rights to die with dignity.

Euthanasia is illegal in most of the United States. However, two states enacted Death with Dignity Act: Oregon in 1994 making the first U.S. state and first in the world where the patients have the rights to die. In 2008, State of Washington made assistant suicide legal. These laws allow mentally competent, terminally ill adult state residents to receive a prescription for lethal drugs.

In 2009, Montana State becomes third state where terminally ill patients have the rights to self-administer lethal drug prescribed by physician.

In 1999, the state of Texas passed the Texas Futile Care Law under this law hospital and doctors have the right to stop in some situation life support devices for terminally ill patients when the treatment fails.Types of Euthanasia

1) Active- when doctor or someone else directly and for purpose cases the patient's death.

Passive- allow patient to die by withdrawing life sustaining treatment ex. discontinue feeding tube in futile cases where is clearly a losing battle and the patient would want.

3) Voluntary - occurs on at the request of the person who die

4) Non voluntary- when person cannot make a decision or cannot make their wishes for example when person is in coma, mentally retarded, child.

Jack Kevorkian

Jack Kevorkian born on May 26, 1928 in Pontiac Michigan. Jack Kevorkian was curious and intelligent young man. He graduated with honor from high school. Later he finishes medical university in Michigan in 1952, and began specialty in pathology. While he was doing his residency at the University of Michigan hospital Jack Kevorkian became fascinated by death and the act of Jack Kevorkian known as Dr. Death was American pathologist. He is best known for supporting dying. He was visiting the terminally ill patients and making pictures



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