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Law Questions

Essay by   •  January 9, 2012  •  Exam  •  685 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,095 Views

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1. 228. _____ In order for a contract to be valid, it must:

a. be made by a writing signed by adults

b. be fully performed on both sides

c. contain an offer, acceptance, and consideration

d. be properly filed: c. contain an offer, acceptance, and consideration

2. 229. _____ Consideration can best be described as:

a. Something of legal value

b. Thinking about entering into a contract

c. A counteroffer

d. A signature on a contract: a. Something of legal value

3. 230. _____ In order for someone to avoid a contract on the grounds of intoxication, the level of intoxication must have been:

a. At or above the legal limit

b. Only high enough that he was able to notice it

c. At least as high as that of the other party

d. So great that he didn't comprehend the nature of the agreement he was entering into: d. So great that he didn't comprehend the nature of the agreement he was entering into

4. 231. _____ Jill, aged 30, enters into a written contract for the sale of her car with Ginny, aged 17. Under these facts:

a. Jill may disaffirm the contact since Ginny is a minor

b. Ginny can disaffirm the contract but only until a reasonable time after she turns 18

c. The contract is void

d. The contract is illegal: b. Ginny can disaffirm the contract but only until a reasonable time after she turns 18

5. 232. _____ If a contract or contract clause is found to be unconscionable, the courts can do which of the following?

a. Refuse to enforce the contract

b. Refuse to enforce only the unconscionable portion

c. Limit the application of the unconscionable portion

d. a, b, and c: d. a, b, and c (a.)Refuse to enforce the contract (b.) Refuse to enforce only the unconscionable portion - (c.) Limit the application of the unconscionable portion

6. 233. _____ George and Martha enter into an oral contract for the sale of George's office building. Before Martha takes possession, this contract is:

a. Enforceable by George only

b. Enforceable by Martha only

c. Enforceable by either party

d. Not enforceable: d. Not enforceable

7. 234. _____ Mike makes a contract with Rich with the intent to benefit Mary. This is:

a. An assignment




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