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Leadership Team Analysis

Essay by   •  December 16, 2013  •  Case Study  •  1,165 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,742 Views

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Leadership Team Q Analysis

There are numerous different leadership styles that people use to lead others in order to reach a common goal. In this analysis I will discuss my leadership style, the styles of my team members, and how they relate to each other. My leadership style and my team members' styles were determined using the Pearson-Prentice Hall Self-Assessment website. Each person participated in simulations and our scores determined our leadership styles.

My Style

After completing the simulations it was determined that my leadership style is delegating. As a delegator I ship authority and responsibility for some tasks to others who are experts on that particular area. In modern organizations the generally accepted leadership approach is to share decision making with group members and work side by side with them (Dubrin, 2010). Some strengths include the empowerment of others, the ability to ensure that each task is tackled by the most experienced person, and the ability to focus on the end goal and complete appropriate tasks as a leader. Weaknesses include the risk of losing sight of the end goal, the risk of being too disconnected from what others are doing, and the risk of the person delegated to do a job not doing it because the leader is responsible for not only their own work but also the work of their subordinates. It is also imperative to not become an abdicator and completely relinquish responsibility. No matter what the leader is still responsible for the outcome.

The Styles of my Team Members

Within team Q all but one person scored completely as a delegator. Amy scored as a delegator in 2 simulations and the other 2 she scored as a supporting leader. In this style the leader supports their followers when they are disappointed with their progress. This style is often used in situations where group members have the ability to do the job correctly but they are not comfortable with making decisions. Another leadership style identified in the book is problem solving. Problem solving leaders are especially skilled at keeping a balance between openness and decisiveness (Becker & Yeager, 2001). Problem solving leadership involves the leader getting input and ideas from others and combining all knowledge in order to make a decision. A problem solving leader is involved with their team but must ensure that they do not get over-involved. This can inhibit followers from sharing their knowledge or ideas.

The supportive style is different from the delegating style but as illustrated by Amy's simulation scores very much related to each other. The problem solving style is also different from the others but there are definitely some similarities as well. In all three styles the leader encourages others to do what they do best. The leader is also there for the support of all members. With delegating the leader can give individuals a task and let them run with it knowing that they will successfully complete it with little guidance from them. However, with supporting the leader gives individuals a task but has to be involved with every aspect and guide each individual through each task. Problem solving is a combination of the two because the leader gives individuals tasks and allows them to run with it to a degree but then meets back with everyone to compile everybody's information and the leader makes the decisions. Also the problem solving leader is not involved in every little aspect of the tasks like the supporting leader. I feel that all of these styles can be used by the same leader depending on the given situation. A leader is responsible for knowing their followers/group members. Based



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