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Methods Study Guide

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Methods Study Guide


1. Approximately what percent do children with disabilities in special education represent of the total population if children between the ages of 6-17?


2. Under IDEA how are students with disabilities classified and what are the federal government 13 disability classifications outlined in IDEA?

-Autism, deaf blindness, deafness, emotional disturbance, multiple disability, orthopedic impairment, specific learning disability, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, visual impairment including blindness

3. Under IDEA, what is FAPE?

-free appropriate public education, designed to meet the child's individual needs

4. What portion of students with disabilities has a learning disability?


5. What do NCLB and IDEA both mandate concerning their provisions in education?

-They both require the child to undergo annual testing then be placed in the most appropriate environment.

6. What is LRE and what does it require?

-Least restricted environment, must be in regular ed. class unless specified reason for not.

7. Current special education law requires parents to be involved in what areas of the education of their children with disabilities?


8. What does IDEA indicate concerning the discipline of a student with a disability?

-the child with a disability is disciplined in the same manner or as a "normal" student unless action was a result of disability (MANIFESTATION DETERMINATION)

9. The priority of curriculum goals for students with severe intellectual disabilities is best described by what word"


10. What is RTI and what does it entail?

-Response to intervention, early identification and prevention fixing a problem before it gets worse.

11. What are some of the factors leading to the over representation of African American students in special education?

-The bias in the assessment process, the incongruity between the culture of most teachers and that of an African American student.

12. What is an IEP and what ages does IDEA require an IEP be developed and implemented for every student with a disability?

-individual education program; 3-21

13. Who are the people that IDEA specifically requires to be members if an IEP team?

-principle does not have to be at IEP meetings, parents do!

14. Describe the term "continuum of services"?

-the range of different placement and instructional options that a school district can use to serve children with disabilities

15. What condition must be present for a student to be identified as having intellectual disabilities?

-An individual must be below average intellectual functioning adaptive behavior deficits must occur during the developmental period to help distinguish mental retardation from other disabilities.

16. What term is gradually replacing the term mental retardation?

-Intellectual disability

17. What condition must exist to categorize a student with "other health impairment" under IDEA?

-Refers to people who have limited strength energy or alertness that affects their ability to learn in a normal classroom

18. What is the most greatly populated disability category and one in which around one half of the students in special education receive services?

-Specific learning disability

Rat 2

1. What are some categories of student variance with contributors and implications for learning?

-Biology, degree of privilege, positioning for learning, and preference.

2. What are some reasons learners successfully benefit from teachers who are responsive to their particular needs?

-Attending to teacher student relationships contributes to student energy for learning

-The learning environment builds a context for learning

-Students backgrounds, and build bridges that connect learners

-Readiness allows for academic growth

-Student interest enlists student motivation

-Student learning profiles enables efficiency of learning

3. How is implementing teaching patterns helpful?

-Likely to benefit students who have similar needs while avoiding labeling is a great starting point

4. What are ten successful teaching patterns?

- 1. Find ways to get to know students more intentionally and regularly

- 2. Incorporate small group teaching into daily or weekly teaching routines.

- 3. Learn to teach to the high end.

- 4. Offer more ways to explore and express learning.

- 5. Regularly use informal assessments to monitor student understanding.

- 6. Teach in multiple ways.

- 7. Use basic reading strategies throughout the curriculum

- 8. Allow working alone or with peers

- 9. Use rubrics that coach for quality 10cultivate a taste for diversity




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