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Narrative Case

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Big Fred

As the calm sunset slowly disappeared over the acres of corn, I didn't know it would be the last hunt with my favorite dog. While Fred was busy using his broad shoulders to maneuver his way through the thick corn, he hadn't noticed the muscle deteriorating in his hind legs. As Fred aged throughout his later years, his stature started to change. He started to gain weight, especially around his belly area, and at one point he weighed a whopping one hundred and thirty pounds. As he continuously gained weight, his legs couldn't take the unbearable extra strain. They started to buckle and collapse, that's when we knew something, was terribly wrong. My mother and father took him into the vet to get him checked out, next thing they know, they are listening to the veterinarian telling them Fred has bone cancer. They had to put him down a couple days later. I am writing this story about my dog because he was my companion, a loyal friend, and most of all because I never got to say goodbye.

Fred, the best dog anyone could ask for. He was a purebred black Labrador retriever that that could be mistaken for a black bear at times. He had a massive head with teary, droopy eyes and a long whip-like tail. He also had a nose that could smell many scents from a far distance. His loose jowls contained more slobber than a baby's bib, especially when he knew it was meal time. Fred also had a very distinctive bark, a deep bark that frightened anyone, even myself sometimes! It was those unique qualities that made him such a lovable and one-of-a-kind dog.

I came home from school one day to see this little black puppy lying on the hardwood kitchen floor. I was so ecstatic that we finally had a dog; however, I had yet to know he would

become a loyal friend. My dad, Tim, purchased him from a co-worker. Fred came from an irresponsible owner who agreed to take him after Fred's mother and three little mates died in a car accident on the way to the vet. Initially, my dad wasn't sold on Fred, however, after hearing his story, my father decided to give him a chance and provide him with a better home. At the time he also didn't know how much Fred would impact his own life with his cheerful personality, and incredible hunting skills.

Every fall the leaves turn into beautiful shades of orange and red, and at the same time putting a huge smile on my face. This is the time of the year when pheasant hunters shoot a couple rounds of trap, clean their guns, exercise their dogs and get ready to leave for eventful weekends, of hunting. Year after year my father and I prepare for this special trip; well this year is going to be a bit different. My father is 5'11'' with a husky figure. He has dull blue eyes and brown thinning hair. His hands are rough like sand paper from years of welding and constructing products for his company. As described above, my one hundred and thirty pound Labrador retriever was also is a part of this ritual. This past year was one of the best hunting trips I got to experience with my father and trusted companion. Before we left for the weekend hunting trip, I trained and exercised Fred. I threw many tennis balls in between the trees for him to find during the day, and later in the cool breezy nights I would take him for a mile long walk through the wooded vacant lots near my neighborhood.

Finally October 6th came, the day we would leave for our hunting trip. Not only was I excited to leave for the weekend, but Fred knew exactly what was going to happen. The moment

we began packing; he would run up and down the driveway frantically wagging his long black hammer-like tail. He would excitedly pant and drool everywhere, I mean everywhere! It just showed his deep desire and strong passion he had to pheasant hunt. After loading the truck with our essential hunting gear and some of our favorite snacks, and Fred of course, we were on our way to Aberdeen, South Dakota. The duration of the entire trip, Fred, as big as he was, would try to pace around in the back of the truck with the seats down. That didn't work out to well. The only way to stop him from crashing into the seats was to crack the back windows very slightly. This trick allowed him to settle his huge frame at the window



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