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Narrative/descriptive Essay

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Narrative/Descriptive Essay

Deep down the Princess Louisa Inlet hidden in between mystic mountains and enormous trees lies a small youth camp: Malibu. The only way to arrive there is either a six hour boat ride or a seaplane. The water reflects and doubles the beauty of the scenery. The only thing that disturbs the quietness of the camp is a seal or two romping around the calm waters. This is where I found myself for a week a few summers ago, accompanied by an amazing student named Eduardo Mendoza. I will never forget how one day on the ropes course changed how I see life and depravity.

The biggest challenge of the entire week was the ropes course. As we walked the short hike to the basin of the nearest mountain I was excited. As a cabin of 12 guys, we got the opportunity to conquer this task together and build our unity as a group. We were all ecstatic about the chance we were getting to participate. The ropes course was challenging to say the least. I remember looking up 50 to 60 feet and seeing several different sections of small ropes tethered between large trees. The only reassuring thing was the towering trees that served as the platforms in between each leg of the course. The gigantic oak and pine trees stood completely still as the energetic young kids screamed and rain from tree to tree.

This week had gone so well thus far. I had felt blessed with the opportunity to hangout with these kids and see them hear and begin to understand the Gospel for the first time. There laughter and jokes were constantly ringing in my ears. The majority of the time though I was with Eddy as his personal counselor. He was an energetic 18 year old that should have graduated that year. He always had an enormous smile on his face and something funny to add to the conversation. He loved being around people and being the life of the party. A 5'8 hispanic kid with nothing to lose and a build that could be intimidating if you didn't know him.

Yet I found myself upset that brisk morning at the ropes course. Eddy was unable to join us on our adventure maneuvering the course. You see, Eddy wasn't your average high schooler, despite his constant smile Eddy has endured a lot of pain in his life. After Eddy had survived his first few years in high school he started to become pretty popular. He was one of the stars of the soccer team and everything seemed to be going his way. Until the summer before his junior year, something happened to eddy that would change his life forever. After collapsing on the soccer field one day during practice, and after enduring countless tests he was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy. That summer he lost pretty much all use of his muscles. Since then through therapy he has began to recover his strength. But he is far from where he was and anyone else for that matter.

He now walked like a man who had never walked before just trying put one foot in front of the next. It was as though he was unable to relax his muscles at all. Often times I saw the judgmental glare of someone mistaking him for a drunk. His speech was that of a record with many nicks and warps in it. Skipping and getting stuck on words that seem so easy. It was a test of patience sometimes just to wait for him to address you. But his smile never stopped and it masked the constant pain that the disease was inflicting on him.

God had brought Eddy and I together just a little while after his disease had changed his life completely. For some reason Eddy attached himself to me immediately and didn't want to let go. I turned into a big brother to him and it is a relationship we still maintain today. I was even given the privilege to be his personal counselor at camp that year and I couldn't have been more excited about it.




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