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No Child Left Behind Advantage

Essay by   •  May 12, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,100 Words (5 Pages)  •  2,777 Views

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No Child Left Behind is a great idea. Throughout the years, the significance of a highly developed education has been increasing. Ever since Bush passed this act, the government has improved in their part in the education system by passing the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001. By doing this, this helps every student receive the best education as much as possible, so they don't fall behind. The No Child Left Behind Act is well develop law passed by President Bush to ensure that all students are proficient in school and the community.

No Child Left Behind was put into affect to make sure that all students are proficient by 2014. The government's role in education has been redefined and higher standards have been made for students to meet. NCLB was designed to help close the achievement gap between disadvantaged students and their peers by investing in the needs of every child. Too many children were being left behind in school and possibly even graduating without ever really knowing or understanding anything they were taught. It has been known that some children would graduate from high school and be completely illiterate. President Bush created four pillars for the basis of the government's transformation of the Act. These pillars include stronger accountability for results, more freedom for states and communities, proven education methods, and more choices for parents. ("Four Pillars of NCLB")

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The No Child Left Behind act grants more freedom to states and communities. This means that school can use up to 50 percent of their government funds to improve the area in which they struggle. Any school have the choice of using the resources given to them for the purpose they were received, such as educational technology grant, or transferring the funds to areas in which they see perfect fit. This help the school to use all of their funds to best suit their needs rather than having bunch of money in area that is already well developed. Because of this freedom, schools may choose to hire new teachers, raise teacher salaries, improve teacher training and professional development. Now the schools can do the best it could be. ("What the No Child Left Behind Law Means for Your Child").

While all this good benefit. The government also wants to hold each state and school district responsible for their students. According to law, each state and school district is responsible for providing a plan to close the achievement gap between students. They are required to present their report card to inform parents and communities about the progress that is being made. Schools that are struggling to make progress must provide additional services to help the students succeed, such as free tutoring or after school assistance. If they are still not making Adequate Yearly Progress, the school district must make remarkable changes and improve the school performance to help the students. ("What the No Child Left Behind Law Means for Your Child").

In order to measure student progress, the government has required that each state tests their students on the information they are required to know. States are requiring by the law to create their own standards for what a child should know or learn in each grade. The state then has to administer a standardized test to the all children in the state at certain checkpoints to make sure the there is Adequate Yearly Progress being made each



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