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Poverty, Welfare Problems and Social Exclusion

Essay by   •  August 23, 2011  •  Case Study  •  600 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,986 Views

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The article on Poverty, welfare problems and social exclusion examines the degree that poverty is linked to other forms of welfare problems and, whether the situation can really be understood in terms of social exclusion. The article discussed two different measures of poverty, income poverty and deprivation poverty. People living under destitute conditions suffer from welfare problems even though certain entities within their population are not always captured by income poverty measures.

It is important to identify the poor and take action against poverty due to them suffering from malnutrition, homelessness, poor health, exclusion from an ordinary lifestyle in society, etc. The poor are those people who, due to insufficient access to economic resources, have an unacceptably low level of consumption of goods and/ or services.

Several analyses as well as random samples were conducted in several steps. The data provided allowed the composer to use both and income-based measure of poverty defining those with an income below 60 percent of the median income as poor, and a deprivation- based measure defining those who most often have to forgo consumption of goods and services as poor. Additional to the two poverty measures, 17 indicators of welfare problems that covered integration in the political process, neighborhood conditions, housing conditions, health impairments, anxiety, and psychological distress, health hazards, social integration, educational marginalization, unemployment and economic vulnerability. The first step of the analysis estimated the interrelationships between poverty and the 17 welfare problems previously mentioned. Proving that poverty measured as deprivation was significantly related to the 17 problems. Controversially, the income poverty measure was correlated to only 11 of the welfare problems, and also considered in general comparably weak. The analysis also confirmed that income poverty was one of the most tangential of all welfare problems.

The traditional way of measuring poverty as low income is problematic because of a series of unsolved measurement problems that are less likely to affect the lower tail of the income distribution. According to the article, to estimate poverty correctly based on income data, we of course need correct data on people's access to economic resources from the start. Other problems that concern income is, the difficulties in identifying the correct household size in. Time is also another important factor. A host poverty spell might be mitigated by the use of savings, and the acquisition of clothes, furniture, and other kinds of seldom- consumed items can be postponed.

The results presented in the article indicate that fighting poverty and social; exclusion largely constitutes the same battle. Second, the approach to social exclusion that it is applied in this article is driven mainly by data.

I found this article to be intriguing due to them their



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