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Retaining Employees with Performance and Discipline Problems

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Retaining Employees with performance and discipline problems

HRA 335


All companies strive to employ and retain the best possible employees, and discharge is always the last resort. For an organization, discharging employees means having to hire and train new associates. There are many reasons a company may decide to retain an employee instead of letting them go, even though they may be having issues with performance and or discipline.

Among the reason to retain poor performers and discipline misfits is the lack of formal documentation. Whenever an incidence occurs it must be documented and the outcome verified, single issues and patterns tend to morph into more persistent patterns and can become serious issues. When documentation does not take place an employee can conclude that their discharge was unfair and unwarranted and the employee maybe inclined to pursue legal activity.

Second, an organization might keep an employee instead of letting them go at an attempt to rehabilitate. Roberts (2011) states that, "there are employees who have all of the skills and talent you want, but whose attitudes and issues drain your energy". For these employees counseling or some other intervention assistance can be offered.

Another reason that an organization maybe inclined to retain a consistently low performer is in the case where adverse treatment can be proven. For example, if a manger in a sewing factory sets unrealistic goals for all of the women and minorities and in comparison to the white males, it would be unfair to penalize them for not meeting standards. When deciding to involuntarily discharge an employee, it is the obligation of the organization to be consistent in their practices. "A basic tenet underlying restrictions on employee separation is the need for fair and consistent treatment" (Heneman, H., & Judge, T., 2009). Companies must be certain that all managers are adhering to all employment laws including discrimination and civil service laws. Employees should not feel that there are double standards.

The fourth reason to retain an employee maybe the lack of the company's maintaining of performance management systems, as mentioned previously documentation is a very important factor not only to protect the company legally but also to aid in providing feedback and preparing performance improvement plans so that the correct actions are taken. The first instincts of the managers of problem associates maybe to increase their micro-managing, however research shows "that performance does not increase when the reins are tightened" (billikopf, 2006).

Having retention processes in place should be a part of every company's



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