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Statement of Purpose

Essay by   •  October 4, 2011  •  Essay  •  622 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,174 Views

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Statement Of Purpose

It is an irony of life that most people get to know about the purpose of their existence once they have passed their prime. I would consider myself among the lucky few who could make out early what they have to achieve in life albeit not much clear about the path to pursue to achieve it. With the passage of time that too became clear as I got to know about the nitty gritties of my carrier aspirations. Since childhood I had a zeal to lead, be it being my class representative or being selected as a member of NCC, and later organizing events for social causes. It did not take me long to realize that I would always love to be a part of the decision making processes, whatever field I chose to be in, be it building an organization or leading one.

It was evident that to give my dreams a silhouette of reality I need to put in due efforts and work harder in every field apart from academics. As a result, in due course of time, I was appreciated with accolades for my outstanding efforts. I am really tempted to mention a few of them. A huge value addition and honing of my skills was done at Fidelity Investments when I got an opportunity to lead a small team of two members to work on a critical project in my domain, working as a Associate System Engineer. Earlier at college level, I used to actively take part in various social initiatives, organizing a few of them myself. To name a few I had organized an Eye Donation Camp under the Sight First Project at Gita Bhawan Hospital, Indore under the guidance of Dr. Sudha Hans. The appreciation received at Indore encouraged me to organize a one day training program on HIV/AIDS Awareness at M.S. Ramaiah Institute Of Technology, Bengaluru. All along I was an active member of Divya Prem Seva Mission Nyas, Hardwar taking part in its various social initiatives as and when time permitted me to. Even at school level, I can very well recollect how proud I felt when I was among the few selected to represent my school at a NCC Camp held at Haldwani, Uttarakhand - as I had exhibited exceptional leadership qualities being the House Captain of my house. To quench my ever increasing thirst for learning about how to lead and how to enrich my management skills, pursuing MBA becomes of paramount importance to me. No wonder MBA opens a sea of opportunities for people like me who want to make a mark and ensures me of a challenging and rewarding future.

I have always believed - the loftier the building, the deeper must the foundation be laid. As I can make out, to scale the heights, I once used to dream of in my childhood a strong foundation is essential. Management Development Institute (MDI) being one among the premier institutes in the country, known for imparting high quality management education would enable me to achieve all I aspire for. The vastly experienced and skillful faculty at MDI would definitely give me a much needed fillip



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