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The Indian Removal Act

Essay by   •  March 26, 2013  •  Essay  •  441 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,405 Views

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The Indian Removal Act

The U.S got the Louisiana Territory in 1803. Then during his presidency, Andrew Jackson got Congress to pass the Indian Removal Act. This act stated that all Indians that wished to follow their own tradition must move to the Indian Territory where they would have more than 70,000 square miles of free land. When this act was passed, all Indians but the Cherokee signed the Treaty of Echota agreeing to move. Jackson thought it was necessary to take action against them to enforce the law. But the question is was the U.S justified in passing the Indian Removal Act forcing all Indians to move. I say no, the U.S was not justified in passing the act. The Indians have had a right to this land way before we did.

Even though we are settled here, all this land originally the Indians' and with this act, we are kicking them off their own land. John Marshall stated, "The Choctaw and Creek were treated horrendously when they moved to the Indian Territory. Their horses were stolen and hundreds died for malnutrition." (Document 2). The Choctaw and the Creek were treated really badly. They suffered a lot and some of them even died. Honestly, the Cherokee are being smart in not moving to the Indian Territory because they know that they will be treated the same way. The very little trust that the Cherokees had in us is now lost. Mr. Marshall also states, "In the case of Worchester vs. Georgia (1832), the U.S Supreme court ruled that the state of Georgia could not force the Cherokee off their land." (Document 2). President Jackson is going against the law by supporting the Indian Removal Act. This does not show good presidency. He's taking hasty decisions because of his bad past with the Indians. The Cherokees are not at fault. If they want to follow their traditions and still live in Georgia, fine. I don't see why any American has an objection with the Indians staying there not bothering us and we not bothering them. They have a right to this land. Let them have the freedom.

The Cherokee should be allowed to stay in Georgia. It's their land and they had a right to it even before we did. But think about it. How would you feel if you were told that you had only two choices: one, if you wanted to stay in your current location, you have to give up all your traditions and two, you have to move somewhere else if you wanted to follow your traditions? Put yourself in the shoes of the Cherokee. What would you do?



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