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What Business to Open

Essay by   •  May 16, 2011  •  Essay  •  363 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,039 Views

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Deciding what business to open is a decision that will consist of many considerations. Based on the economy the founder, his or her goals along with the nature of the business are all factors that need research, statistical data, and a short and long term progression plan. Primarily the owner must have enough capital to keep the business a float until the business can operate alone. Statistically, a business can take anywhere from three to five years to start making a profit to where the owner will see his or her invested money return. This is not exactly true, considering a business in high demand may start off making a profit however, the owner shall be prepared to operate his or her business at least for five years that is if the business needs assistance that long. Ultimately, one will become educated as to what business to open, the business must work with the current conditions of the economy along with operating well when or if the economy happens to get better or get worse.

Therefore, the writer has decided to start an agency that concentrates in administration, housekeeping, companionship, and elderly care. The agency will also pick and choose which projects to take, however, the business will develop a strategy for individual firms that are in dire need of assistance before the company folds. Usually when the economy has issues jobs become scarce because people are laid off, employers cannot afford to pay their employees or their business has stop operating.

This business will cater to middle aged individuals to the elders. The name of the company is Fixable Interest Management Agency. The FIMA will deliver individual needs for the previously mentioned positions at a price the company can afford for a specific time frame. Giving each company a year to six months if in dire need of assistance PR management agency will require collateral from the firm before the company will allow the sub contractors to start working. In addition PR management agency will provide a plan for the company to stay operational were as our specialty will be to save the lives of fallen companies and provide help.



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