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Zara Porter Five Forces Analysis

Essay by   •  December 31, 2011  •  Case Study  •  788 Words (4 Pages)  •  5,100 Views

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The primary objectives of the research is to identify The Strategic Marketing Planning Process Analysis by selecting two strategic planning modules:

a) Johnson & Scoll's

b) Vranesevic et al

Analyzing and criticizing the reasons that lead to the strategic analysis - strategic choice and finally the strategic implementation of these models.

A strategy is a plan that integrates an organizations main goal and strategic decisions are those that determine the overall direction of the company.

The purpose of Strategic planning is to give vision to the company in order to sustain and keep up with the unforeseen obstacles. It helps to evaluate the status of the company and how to gear through coming years which involves a careful look at the PESTLE & SWOT analysis determining the present and future goals. A company is in a better position to deal with the urgent problems at hands and important problems in the long terms.

Through analysis of the models, certain factors have been identified that contribute to the objective study to quantify and compare the similarities and critical analysis. These include:

1. First and the foremost is that both the models select the corporate mission and major corporate goals. An observation that stands out is the mission or vision is a formal declaration that the company is trying to achieve over the medium to long term e.g. The Boeing company states:

"People working together as a global enterprise for aerospace leadership"

Microsoft vision is:

" To empower people through great software, any time, any place, on any device"

After we have identified the direction of the company then the task is how to achieve those objectives.

2. Secondly analyzing both the models determines the opportunities and threats of the company internally and externally after careful scrutinizing.

In the Vranesevic models these analysis are further filtered through the PESTLE analysis, which is a technique for understanding the various external influences on a business.

3. Third commonality between both the models is the selection of SWOT analysis, which analyzes the organization's external competitive environment to identify the opportunities and threats as well as the internal operating environment to identify the organizations strengths and weakness. Once we have identified our strengths we capitalize on them, and our weakness we try and get rid of them, by investing in opportunities, identifying threats, and be prepared to deal with them. Using our strengths we relate



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