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7s Framework Paper

Essay by   •  February 19, 2018  •  Essay  •  1,048 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,390 Views

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7s Framework Paper

        The 7s Framework is based on the elements of strategy, structure, systems, shared values, skills, style, and lastly staff. The shape of the structure is having the strategy, structure, systems, style, skills, and staff linked in a circle to put shared values in the middle and have all the other values connected to it. Strategy stands for a plan devised to maintain and build competitive advantage over the competition. Structure is the way an organization is structured and the formation of the power structure within the company. Systems is the daily activities and procedures that staff members engage in to get their job done. Style is the culture and the characteristics in how the company decides to get their job done. Staff is the power of the employee and their general capabilities. Skills is the actual skills and competencies of the employees working for the company, leading to what makes a company special. Lastly, the most important one, shared values are what defines the company’s goals and why the people there chose to work there. Shared values is the one element that has ties with the other six elements. A slight change in one of the other six elements can easily change what the shared values of a company are.

Some of the other elements in the 7s framework also has really strong ties with each other. For example, one of them would be structure and staff because these two elements come hand in hand with each other. What the staffs are like, and who these staffs in the company are, is all dependent on the company structure. How the company decides on its structure goes back to its shared values. Meaning that shared values can work both ways, shared values can be the thing used to define the other aspects of the company, or it could be the result of the other aspects of the company.

        The New York Police Department (NYPD) case involves a very pressing issue regarding how an executive of an organization should continue to perform well and go through a structure reformation, while undergoing budget cuts. Commissioner William Bratton was the man in charge of all that in the NYPD in 1996. The overhaul of the existing tri-force system and combining the three police force in New York and have them work together as one is what I believe to be one of the more effective measures that commissioner Bratton took. This is because he was able consolidate resources and reduce overhead in the NYPD. Furthermore, the change in the police force culture, to make officers work actively to become dynamic rather than passive and waiting for information, was an effective approach to reducing the crime rates. Not only did working as a dynamic officer helped reduce crime rate, it also helped improve their numbers in the new performance measure system. Where officers are to be rewarded over their plans and effectiveness to fight against crime, rather than their efforts used to fight against crime.



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