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Assess the Reasons for the Outbreak of Revolution in February 1917

Essay by   •  October 28, 2012  •  Essay  •  996 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,610 Views

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There were many reason for the outbreak of revolution in February 1917, of which I am going to assess and compare in this essay.

The effects of the world war:

The economy was hugely affected, Government spending and revenue increases by eight times between 1914 and 1917. The fact that parts of West Russia and Poland were being controlled by central powers reduce the industrial output and taxation, this meant that Russia had to rely on foreign and domestic bank loans in order to stay afloat. Inflation was also a severe problem; rising prices meant that people were now not able to buy as much as they did before, so to meet the heavy costs that the war brought along with it, the Tsarist government resorted to printing more money.

Food shortages also harmed the situation even more; since Russia had enjoyed good harvests in 1914, 1915 and 1916 but in 1916 the stocks from the harvests were not getting through to the cities and towns, therefore prices escalated which made it hard for peasants to afford to buy food, seeing as they couldn't afford it because of the inflation surrounding Russia. The army also had first pick to the food that was being supplied seeing as they were at the front line and were fighting and ongoing war.

In my eyes economic and food problems would ultimately enrage the Russian people, there causing them to eventually be ratty and cause problems for those in power of Russia; this is a sufficient reason for the outbreak of revolution.

Another reason for the revolution was the political errors made by the Tsar:

His personal control of the army was one of these decisions, he took on the role of commander in chief, the fact that he took on this role wasn't the problem it was that he left Petrograd. Tsar Nicholas left Petrograd in the hands of his wife the Tsarina, who was also in charge of government at the same time. This decision was a big mistake seeing as she did interfere with government a lot; with the help of Rasputin they changed the positions of certain officials in government, they didn't change them in order of ability but on how friendly they were with the person. This display in turn affected the routine throughout government since government was now less effective because of the disruption and because how bad the people they appointed were.

The Tsars decision to rule as an autocrat also wasn't very smart on his behalf because whilst the Progressive Bloc was being formed in 1915 since the Duma was so concerned by the problems that were being made because of war; the Tsar saw it as the first step towards getting rid of his autocratic reign therefore he refused to listen to them; as a result of his behaviour and not letting the Progressive Bloc having any power or an opportunity of working together.

So with the Tsar making silly political decisions



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