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Communication Case

Essay by   •  February 11, 2012  •  Essay  •  984 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,818 Views

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Communication is essential because it helps people convey their ideas. There are several kinds of communication. They are verbal and non verbal communication. Verbal communication involves speech or words. Individuals using verbal communication are better able to convey their message more effective than those using non verbal communication. Non verbal communication involves signals and gestures. Individuals using this kind of communication they do not use speech and words. They use body language, touch, and gestures. And since I am unemployed I will discuss the following situations. There are a number of situations that non verbal and verbal communication affects such as police situations, courtroom situations, correctional situations, and juvenile facilities. Verbal and non verbal communication can affect the situations below in different ways.

Verbal communication can make it easy for the speaker to convey information to the public. He or she will be able to convey the message effectively by using the correct content and measures. Also, verbal communication can have a negative effect on public announcements if the message isn't conveyed properly. This will happen if the speaker doesn't know how to communicate with the public and if they don't have the facts together. Verbal communication can damage the relationship between the speaker and the audience. In order to use verbal communication, one should speak clearly, use correct English, and keep eye contact with the audience. Most of all gain the respect of the audience. Non verbal communication can also affect public announcement. First, non verbal communication can make it difficult for the audience to understand what the speaker is saying. Non verbal communication only consists of body language and facial expressions and no words. This is because the receiver isn't able to convey the message the sender is sending. But if the person using non verbal communication are able to use the gestures well then they can get their message across effectively.

In a courtroom setting verbal communication will affect the testifying process. This will happen because the accuser has to use words that are spoken or written to communicate. The use of the word usage decides if the accuser will succeed or fail. Take this example; if the individual testifying doesn't comprehend what the party that is questioning them is saying, then the individual is likely to give a false statement.

This will have an effect on the outcome of the trial. Now on the other hand if the individual testifying conveys good communication skills, they are likely to have a better outcome. To avoid any complications the individual testifying and the questioner should have good communication. Good communication will make it easy for all parties to understand one another; this will make the process run smoothly. Non verbal communication can also affect the testifying process.

Since, individuals involved in criminal actions and the witnesses can use body language and facial



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