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Pestel Analysis of Brazil

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Global Country Report - On Economic Environment Of Brazil


Semester - 3

Country: - Brazil

College Code: - 720

College Name: - Indus Institute of Technology & Engineering

Student Information:-

Student Name Enrollment Number

Nevil Patel 107200592051

Reema Gajjar 107200592038

Manthan Jagad 107200592003

Dipesh Patel 107200592057

Ruchika Jain 107200592045

Satish Kshatriya 107200592002

Faculty Guide:- Prof. Esha Talesara

Faculty E-mail:-

Students' Declaration

We, Satish Kshatriya, Manthan Jagad, Nevil Patel, Dipesh Patel, Ruchika Jain, Reema Gajjar, hereby declare that the report for Global/ Country Study Report entitled "ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT/ COTTON INDUSTRIES IN BRAZIL is a result of our own work and our indebtedness to other work publications, references, if any, have been duly acknowledged.

Table of contents:

Part I - Economic Overview of Brazil

Serial No. Title Page No.

1. Brazilian Concept 6

2. Climate 7

3. Political condition 8

4. Foreign Relation 9

5. BRIC 11

6. Economic Overview 12

7. Agriculture Sector 15

8. Components Of Economy 16

9. PEST 18


10. Introduction 21

11. Structure Of Cotton Industry 22

12. Pricing 23

13. Emerging Actors 24

14. Types Of Cotton 25

15. Comparison Of Cotton Industry 27

16. World Cotton Production Export and Import 28

17. Indian Cotton Scenario 31

18. Present Trade Relation 32

19. Policies 34

20. Potential For Export/Import 38

Table of Graphs:

Serial No. Title Page No.

1. Map of Brazil 6

2. Physical Map 7

3. Bilateral Trade Relation 13

4. Revenue Chart 15

5. PEST Chart 19

6. Cotton Production Map 21

7. Pricing Flow Chart 23

8. Production Chart 39

9. Import Chart 40

10. Export Chart 41

11. State Wise Production Chart 42

List of Tables:

Serial No. Title Page No.

1. Industry Description 10

2. Bilateral Trade Partners 12

3. Industries Of Brazil 14

4. Components Of Economy 16

5. World Cotton Area 27

6. World Cotton Supply 29

7. Bilateral Trade For Cotton 32

8. Growth Of Indian Cotton Industry 38

9. Cotton Import 39

10. Cotton Export 40

11. State Wise Cotton Production 41

List Of Abbreviations

PT - Workers Party

PSDB - Brazilian Social Democratic Party

PMDB - Brazilian Democratic Movement Party

DEM - Democrats

ISS - International Space Station

MERCOSUL - Mercado Comum do Sul

UNASUL - Union de Naciones Suramericans

G8 + 5 - France, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan,

Russia, UK, USA


One of the largest countries in South America is Brazil. It is the world's 5th largest country by geographical area and its population is over 192 million. Brazil is the only country that speaks Portuguese in the America and it is the largest Portuguese country in the world. It is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the eastern coast. Brazil has a coastline of 7,491 km.

Brazil is bordered:

* On the north side by Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and the French overseas region

of French Guiana;

* On the northwest side by Colombia;

* On the west side by Bolivia and Peru;

* On the southwest side by Argentina and Paraguay and

* On the southern side by Uruguay.

Numerous archipelagos form part of Brazil territory, such as Fernando de Noronha, Rocas Atoll, Saint Peter and Paul Rocks, and Trinidad and Martim Vaz. Brazil borders all other South American countries except Ecuador



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