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Prisoners Should or Should Not Be Taught College Courses at No Cost

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Sandra Dillon


Dr. Bone

Writing 101

07 September 2011

AA Highway Safe or a Death Trap

This highway knows as many names, AA Highway, KY 10 or KY9. No matter what you call the road, you always come up with the same scary answer. It is a very dangerous road. Many of us take the roadways for granted. However, this highway is to be feared. With fatalities occurring daily, we must ask our government why this highway is so popular with accidents. Why is what the question is and still with intense studies, the answer is still unclear. When traveling this highway the statics of having a wreck or seeing one is most likely. Fog, Deer's, or people using the access to enter the roadway?

This highway started construction in 1993 calling it the John Y Brown, Jr. AA Highway. The road is 137 miles long going from Ashland to Alexandria. Mr. Jack Hunt a man from this area says that the road actual was built as an evacuation route for the Power company called Moscow no research shows that documentation. University of Kentucky College of Enginners performed a Reasearch Study,As directed by Legislative action, a traffic safety study for the A-A Highway was to be conducted in fiscal year 1999-2000. An expert from the budget and the Budget Memorandum included the following language related to the scope and direction of the study. "The Department of Highways shall conduct an intensive traffic accident study on the A-A highway in fiscal year 1999-2000. Kenny Agent and Jerry

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Pigman performed that study which ended up as a 54-page report that included studies of visibility, signage, lighting, turn lanes, and road striping at each public and private access. The accident identified by location and by fatalities, major injury, non-injury, and minor injury. Causes for the accident summarized and suggested recommendations made to reduce the high level of accidents on the A-A highway (

When going on the accident site of the search engines AA highway you can find numerous accidents each day. Even though the state department says, they are doing everything they can do. Mr. Phil Muney and Mr. Daniel Suite with the District 9 in Flemingsburg had several question concerning third Highway too. They do feel with the safety programs and with the new lighting and the new road construction that the numbers will go down. However, really after all research this highway constructed with the public's benefit in mind. So if ever traveling on this death trap of a highway ember it is your life stay focus and at all cost avoid the access side roads that lead on to the highway. It is dangerous and even with all the studies



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