System Application and Products for Data Processing
Essay by Nicolas • August 4, 2011 • Essay • 301 Words (2 Pages) • 2,899 Views
SAP R/3is an example of ERP system.
SAP R/3(System Application and Products for data processing) a German software
company founded in the 70¶s by a group of former IB M employees.
R/2systems first developed by SAP were mainframe based applications offering only
a subset of R/3 ¶s current functionality. R/2 ( Real time two-tier architecture ) systems
are based onT wo-tier architecture.
The modern client-server version of R/3 ( Real time three-tier architecture ) was first
introduced in 1992 and has become the most popular ERP system in the world.
R/3is based on a client/server architecture and use a relational database to track all
information related to a corporation.
R/3is basically a large collection of small programs called transactions.
A transactions consists of ABAP code, and an associated set of screens that can be
used to enter, change or display data.
Collection of related transactions are grouped together into a module.
A module is a set of transactions that deal with the same area of business
functionality The kernel & basis services component is a runtime environment for all R/3appl i c ati ons
that is hardware, operating system and database-specific.T he runtime environment is
written principally in C and C++.H owever, some parts are also written in AB AP.T he
tasks of the kernel and basis services component are as follows:
Running applications - All R/3applications run on software processors (virtual
machines) within this component.
User and process administration - The R/3 System is the only user of the host
operating system.
Database access - The applications don¶t communicate directly with the database.
Instead, they useB asis services.
Communication - R/3applications can communicate with other R/3Systems and with
non-SAP systems using aB API interface.T he services required for communication
are all part of the kernel and basis services component.
System Monitoring and Administration