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The Green Proposal

Essay by   •  June 22, 2011  •  Essay  •  343 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,955 Views

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The Green Proposal

With the hazardous environment today, changes are needed to be made for the people. Small movements can lead to huge outcomes. With the industries that are seen today, they contribute to the damage of the environment. Changes can be made with simple steps and this can help the environment become healthier to everyone. As individuals, we are increasingly aware of the impact we have on the planet and our fellow humans. By getting involved in our communities, talking to our neighbors, and by re-imagining where we live, we can green not only our own lifestyles but our communities as well. Due to the growing of greenhouse gas, the world is in danger; however we can change this by getting involved in green projects such as recycling.

There are a lot of ideas that people can get involved in. An idea such as setting up a recycling program in your school not only helps the community, but it helps student learn about the importance of recycling. Buying locally can help locally reduce food miles; it also keeps resources circulating in the community. With this action the resources can be kept to your own people and not let anyone else share it. The next example of helping the world be green is that an individual can limit their car. This can be a great way of reducing your individual carbon dioxide use. You can also inform other people to do what you are doing. Buying organic food can help green the community that you live in. Cooperation between people can help the people develop the bond between them and learn about the importance of the environment. Schools, for example can set solar panels for energy use and they can plant gardens to fight the carbon dioxide.

Simple steps such as stepping up can change a whole world. Getting involved in a project not only benefits you but it also benefits other people as well. If only one person in each community steps up, greening the community will be an easy job to accomplish.



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