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Dreams Case - Dreaming Is a Cool Thing to Do

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Dreaming is a cool thing to do, especially when you can remember all the details to your dream when you wake up. People always wonder why we have good dreams, and people also wonder where dreaming came from. The earliest examples of dreams were discovered in the Bible. There's no exact answer to why we dream, but there are several theories, including: Freud's theory that dreams carry out hidden desires; Jung's theory that dreams carry meaning, not always of desire but interpreted by the dreamer; Alfred Adler's theory that dreams reflect current lifestyle and offer solutions to contemporary problems.

There are several meanings of dreams, for example; dreams are successions of images, ideas, emotions and sensations occurring involuntary in the mind during certain stages of sleep (Pereda). Several people have their own opinion on what they truly think dreams are, and some people may argue that a dream is a hallucination, and also a fantastical journey in our sleep; either relieves us of stress, or tried to detract us from a certain habit or future, commonly known as a nightmare ("Dreams"). Several philosophers have come up with their own definitions of what a dream really is, but it all really matters on what you believe in, or what you believe is fiction, and what's non-fiction.

Numerous people would agree that a dream represents a fulfilled dream (Brians). Dreams help people wonder in their sleep to things they may be afraid of thinking about or experiencing in real life, or maybe even what they really want to happen, and want it to be perfect if it ever does happen. Dreams make people wish that they come true, that's why the myth is, if you tell your dreams, they won't come true. A dream is a method of relaxing and letting our minds drift away into a distant world ("Dreams"). When wanting something so bad, you may interact with that person, place or thing when dreaming ("Dreams"). Along with wanting your dream to come true, they allow the repressed parts of the mind to be satisfied through fantasy, while keeping the conscious mind from thoughts that would cause someone to wake from shock (Pereda).

We may not be aware of what we go through in life, or we may not be really sure on what we go through in our life time, or even in reality. The purpose of dreams is to make us more consciously aware of what we go through in our lives, based on thoughts, feelings and actions (Todeschi). Also people may not have the actual courage to accomplish something they've always dreamed of accomplishing because they never thought they had it in them. Truth is, dreams can help give you the courage you never knew you had to recognize and pursue your divine purpose in life (Inner Truth). In dream composition, mostly the short and simple dreams stand out pleasantly in contrast with the confused and overly complex dream compositions (Brians).

Dreaming is known to have a numerous number of specific and important functions (Davidmann). Doctors and psychologist have tried to pursue dreams with making people sleep, to see if they can really get the main idea of dreaming, and the actual answer as to why we dream when we sleep. They've come to find out that it is difficult to influence them with pre-sleep or concurrent stimuli (Schneider). Not all dreams have an actual meaning, but they do have hints to reality, and are definitely wish-fulfillment. These dreams clearly reveal their content, and occur often during manifold circumstances (Brians). There are several scientific studies of dreams, but there's one specific kind of scientific study of dreams which is oneirology (Pereda). The actual definition of oneirology is the scientific study of dreams. Dreams may not seem real to some people, and they also may say that they don't ever dream. It is scientifically proven that you dream every night, regardless if you remember your dream, or dreaming at all. Not everyone remembers their dreams, and some people remember every single one of their dreams, it all depends on the person, and how vivid their memory is.

Psychologist and doctors can do "content-analysis" which means being scientific about dreams (Schneider). When you're younger, under the age of 10, your brain hasn't fully developed, so you don't dream as much as everyone else above the age of 10. When you're 10 years or older, you dream at least four to six times per night during REM (Schneider). That means you may only remember two out of the four to six dreams, but that doesn't mean the other dreams didn't happen. Dreaming occurs in different stages of sleep, but it's found that dreams occur more during the REM stage of sleep than any other stage. It occurs often in this sage through collection of dream reports (Franklin). You typically spend at least two hours of dreaming each night (Dream and Sleep). Within those two hours, you don't only have one dream, but four to six dreams in the two hour time range. Several people dream more than two hours a night, but at the minimum it's at two hours. Theorists don't think enough on the repetition that occurs in dreaming. Many of the theorists believe that people have several different dreams, and that it's rare for them to repeat themselves. Although, much more repetition in dreams content than many of them realize (Schneider).

The activity in the brain is what makes dreams really occur. Without the certain brain activity and muscles, people wouldn't dream, or have anything to look forward to, or better yet, wish for them to come true. Dreams are the results of the forebrain responding to the random activity initiated in the brainstem (Franklin). It isn't possible to make a dream happen, it happens when you're in a real sleep, and not under medical treatment when people really need or want you to dream (Schneider). When you're dreaming and wake up from a good dream and didn't get to see the ending, you can't make yourself continue the dream when going back to sleep, it had to naturally happen. This won't happen if you really try and make it happen, that's forcing it, and it doesn't work that way. When you're dealing with a dream, and its hidden secrets or true meanings to that dream, it can be like working with a trusted friend because you trust your dreams, and what messages they tell you, and with a trusted friend, you can do the same (Todeschi).

When wanting to know something big, but you're too scared to face it and reality yourself, dreams can make sure you know of it because somehow they know you're either hiding from them, or too eager to find out. When you dream you can find out deep secrets or reveal concealed feelings towards something just by analyzing it correctly (Dreams). Several



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