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History Research Paper

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Professor Frank Nobiletti

Khuong Nguyen

History 110-3 Wed # 98

Fall Semester 2012

History Research Paper

The United States is the current super power in the world. To make sure that the country retains the status, the president can learn many lessons from its history in terms of tactics, strategies, and goals. This would assist him to become the best and most effective president he can be for the Americans. However, the purpose of this paper is to provide a background report explaining to the president things o learn from the United States history. It will also provide an analysis of what from the past can be of assistance for the upcoming year's in terms of the current issues the U.S. and the world are dealing with. Lastly, the paper will cover the rise of corporate power and its effect on democracy and justice, fairness, economic growth, and globalization.

There are several lessons that the president can learn from this history in terms of goals, strategy, and tactics to be the best, most effective President he can be for the American people. One of these lessons includes building strong alliances. There is a saying that alleges that when a house is divided, it cannot stand by itself. For the United States to maintain its strong economy, the president and the parliament must intrust and conduct the country's cause through the assistance of its undoubted associates with free hands and working hearts and people who care about the outcomes. For example, the president should learn lessons from ex-president the late Ronald Reagan who achieved respect and trust from his subordinates by creating sound alliances on both professional and personal levels . He desired to familiarize himself with the Americans responses in any circumstances. He knew that it would be difficult to do the job himself, delay or procrastinate. Clinton wanted his assistants to familiarize themselves with him for a great course, thus avoiding inactivity and delay.

It is important for the president to stress and recognize the demand for the creation of sound interpersonal bonds and relationships. Leadership ascertains trust and leaders must be attentive. As a leader, the president has the trusting ability on other people although this risk may seem great. In case there are problems in the cabinet, some members may believe that the president is incompetent and unqualified in the running and leading of the nation and the government respectively.

When the president spends time with his subordinates, they will be able to know each other and overcome many personal hard sentiments and differences. When followers know that their president is resolute, committed, and firm, in his daily duty performance, he gains trust and respect. As a contemporary leader, the president should intuitively comprehend the nature of humans as President Ronald Reagan did . He must at least create an effort to know more about the subject. After all, employees are the most significant assets possessed by a business. Therefore, as a leader, he should utilize most of their money and time with his followers. Failure to do that, the president may later find that he does not qualify as a leader because of a simple reality that his leaders have abandoned him.

As a leader, a president should persuade instead of coerce. When he lacks people sentiment, he fails but in case he has the public sentiments, he succeeds. This can be proved during Hitler's time. Hitler used intimidation in his leadership. Alternatively, the president can learn more from Bill Clinton who was a decisive president particularly in the development of executive power. He frequently rejected coercion as a way to attain the things he wanted. When the president starts coercing his adherents, he is basically deserting leadership and encouraging dictatorship. Clinton did not allow the dictatorial responsibility by becoming a delegator and persuader in philosophy, style, and substance.

The president can get more lessons from Presidents Clinton and Reagan. Both of them possessed strong ethical principles, they were straightforward, sincere, trustworthy, and fair. The leadership architecture, all the guidelines, and conjectures, collapse without integrity and honesty. Research indicates that the most successful and aggressive organizations are the things that stresses trust and integrity during Bill Clinton's time. These studies also highlights that managers perform things the right way but when they are divorced from morals, they reduce leadership to management whereas politics become simple technique.

The past can be helpful for the upcoming years in terms of the current issues our country and world are dealing with. One of the contemporary issues in the United States is computer era where people are deserting the traditional industry and move to the digital era. The United States economy is based on information manipulation thus becoming an information society . In this age, people have obtained the capability of freely transferring information. They also have instance availability to information, which was impossible and difficult during the prior years. This has also brought a swift technological evolution in Americans everyday life including their educational lifestyle. Lastly, the information age permits a fast international networking and communication that shapes the contemporary society.

The second contemporary issue is depression. The Depression



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