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If one Person Is Unwilling to Participate in the Communication Process, There Is Little the Other Person Can Do to Create Effective Communication.

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If one person is unwilling to participate in the communication process, there is little the other person can do to create effective communication. Do you agree/disagree?

Effective communication is a two way process where the speaker analyses the message sent through selecting a number of checking methods that help to avoid conflict and draw the audience into the communication process. The process involves the interaction of a number of elements including individual perception through which the sender and receiver filter information, the barriers which can affect the flow of communication and the context within which it occurs. For communication to be effective, it is important to understand how the communicating participants may interpret the message. This essay will firstly consider the communication methods that create effective communication. It will then explain each method starting first with perception checking to reduce uncertainty and result in more accurate perceptions. The essay will then look at conscious ways of raising levels of awareness between communicating participants through the methods of audience analysis and communicating empathy effectively.

Effective communication is achieved by analysing why the message is not effective and selecting a method or a combination of methods to communicate effectively to the selected audience type. The message is not effective as the participant is closing up and not contributing to the conversation. The sender needs to find out why by using communication-checking methods to break down the barrier or barriers. Because new experiences and environments are continually confronting people's day-to-day life they use knowledge and understanding from their past experiences to make sense of their world. (Baker, Barrett & Roberts 2002, p. 44). These experiences give rise to individual feelings, mood, and memories and are influenced by age, environments, beliefs, and education. People send and receive messages according to the factors, which comprise their field of experience. This concept displays how two people discussing the same subject at the same place at the same time can have different perceptions. Many who believe they communicate effectively fail to evaluate their self-concept and how their views can influence. Alessandra & Hunsaker (2005, pg. 1) explain communication as a two-way process involving sending and receiving messages, and state that throughout the education processes, individuals learn how to put thoughts and feeling into words, and how to send a message. Perception, audience analysis and empathy are three of many methods that people use to evaluate the effectiveness of their explanations of communication. In this paper three of these methods have be chosen to explain the process of creating effective communication. By understanding known communication methods, people can learn to tailor their communication whether be verbally or nonverbally for the particular audience.

There are many strategies that can be implemented to eliminate communication barriers. In seeking to communicate effectively in the face of communication barriers, it is important to recognize all of the possible barriers and not limit the use of strategies. In some cases it is possible to apply a strategy that has previously proved useful. In other cases, however, new solutions must be found. Perception results from what exists in the outside world and experiences, desires, needs, and wants, loves, and hatreds. Among the reasons perception is so important in interpersonal communication is that it influences communication choices. Successful interpersonal communication depends largely on the accuracy of interpersonal perceptions and perception awareness. When people become aware of their perception, they are able to subject them to logical analysis and critical thinking. This process results in perception checking, reducing uncertainly and makes individual perceptions more accurate. The goal of perception checking is to further explore the thoughts and feelings of the other person, which will help the unwilling person in the communication process, participate as both begin to understand each other. Reducing uncertainly will not only make communication more effective it will also improve the personal opinions of each participant towards the other and make the interaction more satisfying (Neuliep & Grohskopf, 2000; Douglas, 1994). With this simple technique, the chances of misinterpreting another's feeling are lessened and at the same time the other person has the opportunity to elaborate on their thoughts and feelings. As the unwilling person begins to participate and displays their thoughts and feelings, the sender is able to filter the information and better control the message process. The method of perception checking has weakened the barrier allowing the flow of effective communication to begin.

Whilst perception checking is instrumental in creating effective communication, it cannot be used alone. Analysing the audience is a conscious way of raising levels of awareness between the communication participants. This method can also help smooth the path to effective



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