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Narrative Essay on My Hero

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Maricar Reyes

EN 110-06

September 15, 2015

Final Draft – Narrative Essay #1

My Hero

Last month an unforgettable experience happened to me, when my grandpa died, I started to understand all those people who lost someone they loved.  There are perhaps no proper words to describe this pain.  This intolerable pain which rips everything apart, is like a stone in my heart, and tears streaming down my face with each recollection of the dear person who just passed away.  Time is unlikely to alleviate this pain I feel.

My grandpa was one of the most affectionate and supportive man that I have ever known.  He always found a way to make me happy.  The shock of my grandpa’s death totally devastated me.  The call came to me while at work out of the dark Sunday evening in August 2015.  On the line, my younger sister started sobbing, and she said “Ate, grandpa is gone.”  He just had passed away at about six forty-five that evening when my family arrived at the hospital.  There was nothing that the nurses could have done.  I heard the words that would forever change my life.  The sorrow and agony in my sister voice gave away the horrifying news I had been regretfully waiting.  My heart sank as I sat and reflected on what had happened.  After I regained my composure, I immediately asked to leave work.  By then my whole family had arrived, they all crowded inside the morgue to see him one last time.  The image of my grandpa lying on the bed still haunts me to this day.  I was still hoping this was all a dream.  Since I was a little kid, my grandpa, has always been a role model in my life.  He was an intelligent man, loyal Christian, prominent family leader, hard worker, and so many other reasons for looking up to him.

During the last two months of my grandpa's life, I was fortunate enough to spend
more time with him than ever before.  Unaware of what the future would bring, I guess I just hoped and thought that my grandpa would be fine and healthy forever.  Unfortunately, my grandpa began to stumble.  He soon lost his appetite, something I thought my grandpa would never lose, because he was such a food lover.  His body frame began to shrink, and his bones began to show.  Although in much pain and helplessly attached to his bed, my grandpa was always in good spirits, and always had a joyful smile which is one thing I will never forget about his character.  It would not sink in for many days just how much I would miss him and how much I loved him.

        When I gazed into the eyes of my hero, I had no idea that those familiar brown eyes no longer knew who I was.  I knew he was stumbling in life.  My family knew my grandpa suffered from lung cancer until the disease had already rampant throughout his strong mind, which claimed his body.  The doctors notified us that his illness was incurable.  With each visit he seemed to only split further, confused at the simplest of tasks and often forgetting his identity, leaving the family to mourn the loss of a man so great.  Though he was with us for two months before being called into Heaven.



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