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Project Princess

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Project Princess

I read Project Princess and it was good book. It was about a Princess named Mia and she wants to go on a field trip to West Virginia for Housing for the Homeless.

After sitting on the bus for eight hours they finally get to the camp site. Mia realized soon that it was no hotel and there were absolutely no cabins. All there was was Port-o-Lets, tents that were on the ground, and a few big tents for the tools and the dining area. There were trees covered everywhere since it was the woods. You can see bugs practically crawling everywhere. At night all you can hear are owls hooting and the rain dripping all over the tent.

The characters in the book are Michael who is Mia's boyfriend. Lilly who is Mia's best friend and also Michael's little sister. Boris is the violin genius and also Lilly's boyfriend. Mr. and Mrs. Harmeyer, Stefano, and Mitchell are the family that Mia and her friends are building the house for. Mrs. Harmeyer is pregnant with another baby and it's a girl named Princess Harmeyer. Another character is Grandmère and she is Mia's grandma and also her Princess Coach. There is her mom who is pregnant with a baby but they don't know the gender because they don't want a boy. The last character is her step dad, Mr. Gianini who married her mom a year ago and is also Mia's math teacher.

The book "Project Princess" is about a girl named Mia who is also the Princess of Genovia. She goes on a field trip to West Virginia to work on a project called Housing for the Homeless. She wants to go mainly to make out with her boyfriend, Michael. She goes and hates the conditions of the camp because she can't make out with her boyfriend and she can't take a shower, she has to use wet wipes which doesn't help. She finishes building the house within three days and Mrs. Harmeyer gives birth on the third day. Mia and all her friends go to get hot dog buns but end up at a Dairy Queen instead. Mia's grandma rents seven hotel rooms so that everyone can take a decent shower.

The problem of the book is while she is on this field trip her goal was to make out with her boyfriend. Well, that's not working out because of the terrible showering system. She smells really bad so Michael doesn't really want to kiss her yet and every time she has attempted to something has always interrupted them whether it has been because she smelled bad or if it was because it was lights out. At the end of the story they finally take a decent shower and are finally completely alone so that they can kiss. Another small issue was that there were a lot of homeless people so therefore Mia, her friends, and all of G&T class got involved to build ten or more new house for ten qualified homeless families. They finished building the house in three days.




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