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Video Games Promote Violence

Essay by   •  July 21, 2011  •  Essay  •  789 Words (4 Pages)  •  2,239 Views

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The reason for writing this paper is to show video games do not cause violence in children. It is believed some video games actually help young children with hand, eye coordination and memory process. Of course not all video games are good in nature, studies show even the most violent games do not cause a child to pick up a hand gun and go around shooting sporadically. It is believed violence has been around forever it's in movies and television, it's even on the nightly news. Video games should not be considered as a contribution to violence in children. Exposure to violent video games has not been shown to be predictive of violent behavior or crime. Any link found between video games and violence is best explained by other variables such as exposure to family violence and aggressive personality.

While some children are aggressive after playing a video game, violence has been around forever it's in movies and television, it's even on the nightly news. Video games should not be considered as a contribution to violence in children.

In today's society children's choice of entertainment is video gaming, most of which are violent and involve the killing of one another. This brings up a big question as to whether or not violent video games cause violence in children. Video games are fantasy and older children should be able to tell right from wrong. Video games also have some benefits like stress relief and creative thinking. Educational value can be found in many games as well. Society should not be blaming violence in children on video games. Violence has been around forever it's in movies and television, it's even on the nightly news. Video games should not be considered as a contribution to violence in children. Playing video games are not going to encourage someone to kill; there must be an ambition to kill. Kids can't simply walk down the street find a gun and begin to shoot each other. Children don't go up to other random children and start fighting them for no reason. Video games are fantasy; any mentally stable person knows this.

Some video games can be violent, however many movies are also violent. Something as innocent as a book your child could check out from their school library may very well be violent in nature. It all starts at home where parents need to pay more attention to what their children are doing to entertain themselves. Monitor what your child views what they play. Non-aggressive children know that video games are make believe. These children are taught by their parents to know right from wrong.

Violence and video games has been a hot topic the last few years with so many school shootings in the news and other violent



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