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French Indian War

Essay by   •  October 2, 2012  •  Study Guide  •  334 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,679 Views

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The British empire set out to conquer all of the New France territory. This included the territories of the Appalachian Mountains, Mississippi River, the Great Lakes region, The Ohio valley, and Gulf of Mexico.

Remember in these days, rivers were the greatest transportation routes and the timber/fur trade was huge.

The French were Roman Catholic while most of the Colonists were Protestant and Catholics were still persecuted by the British.

This war was the last of actually four wars. The French and Indian War was also called the Seven year war even though it only lasted six years.

The British won the war with the help of the Colonists and the Iroquois Nation.

The French gave up their territories and in return the Spaniards, allies to the French gave them Louisiana.

After the war the British empire was in deap debt and taxed the Colonies even more. They also prohibited the colonists from expaning westward to appease the Native Americans.

One of the things the King did not think about was when the French were removed from the equation, the colonists did not begin to want the British influence or need their protections.

The colonists were also upset about the concessions given to the Catholics in Quebec.

So you have unpopular taxes (Taxation without representation)

Restrictions upon expansion

and Religious hostility.

Thus all these things contributed to the beginning of the American Revolution.

Canassatego, a chief of the Onondaga Nation of the Iroquois Confederacy expresses his anger to the representatives of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, "Your People daily settle on these Lands, and spoil our Hunting. We must insist on your Removing them, as you know they have no Right to settle" (Document B). Like Canassatego, many other natives were angered by the white people moving onto their land. In 1763, land borders shifted and natives were ever more so angry. Pontiac was one of the most famous native who expressed his anger violently. He led several tribes, aided by some French traders who hadn't left the region yet, to drive the British out of the...



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