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Outcome of the French and Indian War in 1754

Essay by   •  November 5, 2015  •  Essay  •  368 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,321 Views

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The thirteen colonies' independence started and continued with the outcome of The French and Indian War in 1754.

The sole reason for the aftermath of the war being the best decision is because of the way it finally brought the colonists together through a simple subject. As shown below:

As a result of the war, the British were escalated to a new level with their victory. They were also put into massive debt due to their expenses. Naturally they were not satisfied with the help provided by the colonies, therefore Britain issued taxes on the colonies so they could pay their end. The colonies, having not had any unification, could now come together on one common vertex, a common enemy... Britain. At this point when Britain stops neglecting the colonies and moves the colonies' head of government to London, the colonies started rejecting the taxes set upon them to pay Britain part of the debt. These taxes included the Townshend Acts, which included taxes on goods as they crossed the port, which kept the public from ever seeing the tax being paid. Colonists became very angry with the additional taxes therefore the British levied the original tax in the Intolerable Acts, which only left the Townshend Acts left, as an attempt to calm colonists. Seeing as they were still angered against The Tea Act, taxes on British tea, some united together which led to the Boston Tea Party. In this event the Sons of Liberty dressed as native Indians and snuck into the harbor, then dumped an entire shipment of tea into the water.

Also, after the war, Britain set laws stating the colonist could not move west of the Apps. This put a halt to "American" exploration and allowed for Britain to explore it all first.

The best alternative choice, of the year's provided, would be 1776 when Thomas Paine wrote the pamphlet "Common Sense." The combination of Paine's thoughts and Washington also openly saying they needed to fight for full independence from Britain was incredibly powerful. Most were influenced when Washington took a stand stating it was almost a necessity, but those who, for whatever reason, were straggling behind, were then influenced by "Common Sense."



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