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Macbeth Case

Essay by   •  December 14, 2011  •  Essay  •  392 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,888 Views

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"It will have blood, they say blood will have blood. Stones have been known to move and trees to speak."(A-3, S-4) Macbeth is basically saying that when death occurs, others will follow or, the original blood that will have blood which means, the original death will obtain other death (vengeance). "Blood" is one of the themes in Macbeth, one of shakespeare's most famous play and its also the most used theme.

The theme blood was brought upon the beginning of the play on scene two, when King Duncan and his sons Malcolm and Donalban met a bloody sergeant. King Duncan asks about the sergeant: "What bloody man is that?"(A-1, S-2) He then tells the story of macbeth and his heroic acts and victories, the sergeant lost so much blood in battle that he could barely speak. The telling of the story is in itself heroic, because the blood the sergeant lost made him weak. thus his blood and his heroism seem to enhance the picture of Macbeth as a hero.

Just before Macbeth kills King Duncan, hes staring at the "dagger of the mind", and as he stares, thick drops of blood appear on the blade. He says to the knife, "I see thee still, and on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood, which was not so before"(A-2, S-1). however, he's not so far gone he knows exactly what's happening to him, he knows that the dagger he sees has something to do with the murder he's about to commit. At the beginning of the play Macbeth, the theme blood was a symbol of bravery, but on scene three it changed completly, blood was a symbol of death. Macbeth's character also changes throughout the play, at the beginning he seem to be a good man, fighting for his people, but then his whole attitude changed when he met the three wiches, he became evil, first he killed the King then Banquo and Macduff's family.

"Thou canst nnot say i did it, never shake thy glory locks at me"(A-3, S-4) Macbeth sees Banquos ghost at the table and starts talking to him. The ghost's "glory locks" are the locks of hair, coverred with blood. After the ghost has gone macbeth tells himself that it's not his fault that the ghost showed up.



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