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Macbeth Case

Essay by   •  July 9, 2012  •  Essay  •  714 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,605 Views

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William Shakespeare, the author of the play MacBeth makes abounding references to the after-effects associated with bribery. The delayed effects are displayed throughout the play: first, Macbeth becomes abject in his chance for riches and power due to unwise decisions; secondly, Lady Macbeth displays bribery through her advancing strange behavior; and lastly, Scotland suffers because of bribery displayed by citizens of the country.

In the play, examples of the adaptation of moral belief contribute to challenge revolving about the character, Macbeth. If the chance begins, Macbeth actually is a "peerless kinsmen" to the baron (Shakespeare 1.4.66); however, as the chance progresses others credit him in this way alone because they are absent to his desires. The bribery of the attack which Macbeth initially appears is ancient bogus afire to the clear-sighted during an action with the king:

The Prince of Cumberland! That is a step.

On which I acquire to abatement down, or away overleap

For in my way it lies. Stars, adumbrate your fires!

Let not afire see my atramentous and bottomless desires.

The eye beam at the hand, yet let that be

Which the eye fears, if it is done, to see (Shakespeare 1.4.56-61).

Here we can see that his attitude and personality changes afterwards he hears the witches prophecies. It is then that he understands what must be done to be done if he wanted to be on the throne, But will he be able to do it?

Of the few times he is able to sleep, he has nightmares, which not alone added to his fears of dying but alone came his paranoia accepting all he has done. Thinking of this, Macbeth surrenders his action to the throne. He at first believes that after sitting on the throne he will have accumulated power and happiness; unfortunately, this is not the case. Macbeth not alone assets nothing, but as well loses his happiness: society's respect, his wife, accordance of apperception and complete moral values. Macbeth himself acknowledges that his:

Life's but a walking shadow, a poor amateur

That struts and frets his hour aloft the date

And again is heard no more; it is a account

Told by an idiot, abounding of complete and fury,

Signifying abolishment (Shakespeare 5.5.44-48).

Shakespeare also uses Lady Macbeth's for adeptness and the lengths she goes to achieve power. He shows the ultimate after-effects of her corruption. Because she is affiliated to Macbeth, she will become rich and powerful if he attains this title. It is here where we see that as she becomes more powerful, she wants more. She expresses



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