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Philosophy Essays

569 Philosophy Essays: 511 - 540

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  • Thomas Hobbes' Account of Human Nature

    Thomas Hobbes' Account of Human Nature

    Hobbes' Account of Human Nature Thomas Hobbes much like Niccolo Machiavelli has a very pessimistic view on human nature. Thomas' view on human nature is such that; if human beings are left to their own devices they will resort to savagery as they will be in endless competition with others

    Essay Length: 621 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: March 6, 2012
  • Thoughts of Critique of Judgement

    Thoughts of Critique of Judgement

    Many times when we think about something beautiful, we actually look for something agreeable. We must have interest in the object if we think it is agreeable. However, in Critique of Judgement, Kant elaborates the differences between delight in agreeable, in good, and in beautiful. Kant insists that the judgement

    Essay Length: 2,381 Words / 10 Pages
    Submitted: May 10, 2012
  • To Educate a Person

    To Educate a Person

    An Important Subject to Study "To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society", this quote by Teddy Roosevelt from the early 1900's still applies today. He seems to be saying that if a person is without moral education they will have

    Essay Length: 691 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: November 2, 2013
  • To Torture or Not to Torture

    To Torture or Not to Torture

    "To torture or not to torture", this is a very tough question especially considering the scenario but one that definitely has ethical & moral implications. I feel like the biggest question here is if I do torture the terrorist daughter will he actually give the information I desire. After seriously

    Essay Length: 297 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: July 3, 2011
  • Topographic Map Writing Assignment Mr. Caban

    Topographic Map Writing Assignment Mr. Caban

    Topographic Map Writing Assignment Mr. Caban A group of friends and I were just walking around my house one day and my buddy Parker says, "Guys tomorrow is supposed to be nice day. Let's go hiking!" We all were talking about the rest of the day if we should. We

    Essay Length: 858 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: February 6, 2013
  • Tragic Hero of Antigone - Creon

    Tragic Hero of Antigone - Creon

    I personally believe that the tragic hero of Antigone is definitely Creon. He demonstrates numerous times during the play, through his stubbornness, self-pride, and controlling demands. Creon is so overwhelmed with idea of becoming king, he overlooks basic human morals, and instead makes rash decisions without thinking properly. Creon is

    Essay Length: 335 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: April 21, 2011
  • Transparent: What Is There to Live For?

    Transparent: What Is There to Live For?

    Philosophy Final Exam/Paper Question/Topics Choice from four questions- each with 2 parts Textual 50% Personal 50% Eight to ten pages First part 5-6 pg Second Part 3-4 pg You carry all these author’s beliefs in the authors we have read. Everything is connected historically and culturally, and there is something

    Essay Length: 1,541 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: May 10, 2016
  • Travel Broadens the Mind

    Travel Broadens the Mind

    let me start off by asking you a few questions - do you go on a shopping spree every time you make a trip? Do you miss the high-end food you last tried? Travel, without doubt, has a lot of advantages that no one can afford to miss. But there's

    Essay Length: 864 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: December 9, 2011
  • Tripping


    Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“ Философски факултет Пътешествието Курсов проект по субектна онтология Сабина Кърлева, Философия, 61252 София, 2011 Често възприемаме пътешествието като изключително събитие, което изначално се различава от непосредствения ежедневен опит, т.е. пътешествието само по себе си е някакъв отрязък от време, който противостои на всекидневната реалност. Нашата

    Essay Length: 1,543 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: April 19, 2016
  • Trisomy 18 - Case Study

    Trisomy 18 - Case Study

    During my friend Dee’s pregnancy her child Charlie was diagnosed with Trisomy 18. The doctors encouraged her to abort her child. Morally she could not stand the thought of abortion. It goes against her religion, and the basic principles brought on to her by the people in her surrounding community.

    Essay Length: 1,815 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: June 21, 2017
  • Trolley Problem Revisited

    Trolley Problem Revisited

    The Trolley Problem Revisited I hate that I have to make these decisions. Why should I have to play God? I keep going back and forth on my ideas. My conscience is working overtime. Therefore, I have now decided these following words are my final decisions. I see scenario #1

    Essay Length: 851 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: July 12, 2011
  • Truman Burbank and the Philosophy - the Truman Show

    Truman Burbank and the Philosophy - the Truman Show

    Truman Burbank has lived his entire life since before birth, in front of cameras for "The Truman Show", although he himself is unaware of this fact. Truman was adopted at birth by Christof's television company, and his life has been televised every second of every day from that moment on.

    Essay Length: 335 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: August 7, 2011
  • Tupac: Life and Death

    Tupac: Life and Death

    Tupac: Life and "Death" Ignorance: The condition of being uneducated, unaware or uninformed. Tupac Shakur is arguably the most recognizable name in hip hop. You think with being so well known by such a huge number of people, that Tupac would be better understood. But for some reason, ignorance is

    Essay Length: 2,705 Words / 11 Pages
    Submitted: February 2, 2014
  • Two Meanings of the Word Hapiness

    Two Meanings of the Word Hapiness

    The way I see it, flourishing happiness is where you are living up to the most of your well being. It is where a person feels the positive energies around them, and ultimately gives it back to their peers. Flourishing happiness seems to deal with people’s everyday relationships as well

    Essay Length: 349 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: September 20, 2017
  • U.S. Elections - College Electoral or Popular Vote

    U.S. Elections - College Electoral or Popular Vote

    U.S. Elections - College Electoral or Popular Vote According to the Columbia Encyclopedia (2001-09), "the Electoral College, in the U.S. government, is the body of electors that chooses the president and vice president. Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors,

    Essay Length: 975 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: July 24, 2012
  • Uloga Zene

    Uloga Zene

    Fakultet za medije i komunikacije Univerziteta Singidunum Uloga žene (ispitni rad) Predmet: Prostori filozofske komunikacije Nastavnik: Predrag Krstić Student: Nina Todorović Broj indeksa: 15/407 Datum: avgust 2016. Uloga žene Kroz celu istoriju čovečanstva žene su se smatrale slabijim bićima. Nisu bile odgovorne za neka bitna pitanja, odluke, politiku i upravljanje

    Essay Length: 1,163 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: November 23, 2016
  • Underground Man Analysis

    Underground Man Analysis

    Introduction The existentialist claim of existence preceding essence argues that we get to shape and mold who we are as individuals. Humans are not born complete individuals with our true essence in hand. We are ever evolving and changing selves that cannot be determined simply by our genetic makeup or

    Essay Length: 1,166 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: April 6, 2016
  • Universal Morality

    Universal Morality

    Universal Morality Is there such a thing as general ethical standards of morality? We live in a world filled with diversity of culture, where each one has different ideals and ways to view right and wrong. One group's most cherished beliefs are likely to differ significantly from another culture's value

    Essay Length: 1,917 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: August 4, 2011
  • Univerzalna Etika I Uloga Na Naukata I Na Nejzinata Etika Za Gradeweto Na Svetot

    Univerzalna Etika I Uloga Na Naukata I Na Nejzinata Etika Za Gradeweto Na Svetot

    TO E UNIVERZALNATA ETIKA Sovremeniot svet e celost - negovata nauka e edinstvena za site krai{ta, trgovijata gi povrzuva site regioni, internet vrskata pravi site da mo`e da komunicirame vo ist mig, duri i angliskiot jazik naj~esto se koristi za op{ta komunikacija (koine). Se vospostavuva i edna etika. Razli~nite moralni

    Essay Length: 9,540 Words / 39 Pages
    Submitted: January 3, 2012
  • Utilitarianism Case

    Utilitarianism Case

    Position Paper Directions: Please conduct research on the pro and con arguments concerning the morality of honesty. Focus particularly on cases where it goes against your self-interest to tell the truth or works to your advantage to tell a lie. Your research should examine specific arguments as well as principles

    Essay Length: 428 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 13, 2012
  • Utilitarianism of Vegan Diet

    Utilitarianism of Vegan Diet

    In recent years, the popularity of the vegan diet has skyrocketed, with more people than ever before choosing to adopt a plant-based life. There are countless debates about the vegan diet and its ethical ramifications. Through the lens of utilitarianism, we are ethically and morally bound to eat a

    Essay Length: 725 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: November 24, 2018
  • Utilitarianism Versus Deontology

    Utilitarianism Versus Deontology

    UTILITARIANISM VS. DEONTOLOGY 1 Utilitarianism vs. Deontology Patricia Kohler Ethics in Contemporary Society 07-07-16 \ UTILITARIANISM VS. DEONTOLOGY 2 An ethical dilemma currently occurring in the Stanislaus County Animal Shelter is the act of euthanizing unborn kittens to a feral cat being spayed. Is it morally and ethically right to

    Essay Length: 1,726 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: July 10, 2016
  • Varieties of the Religious Experience

    Varieties of the Religious Experience

    The Varieties of Religious Experience Twentieth century philosopher and psychologist, William James, set forth to bring "religion" into new light before very prestigious, scientific and religious leaders during the early 1900's. Influenced by both his father's republican theories of religion, and his study of psychology at Harvard University, James presented

    Essay Length: 1,399 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: May 10, 2011
  • Virtue Ethics and the Three Condtions

    Virtue Ethics and the Three Condtions

    A brief definition of virtue ethics is that virtue ethics is a state that intends to discover and classify what might be deemed of moral character and to apply the moral character as a basis for one's choices and behavior. The concept of virtue ethics dates back to the ancient

    Essay Length: 1,640 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: December 16, 2011
  • Virtue: The Good Habit

    Virtue: The Good Habit

    Virtue: The Good Habit Developing Good Habits for Effectiveness Habits are powerful factors in our lives. They are consistent, often unconscious patterns. They constantly, daily, express our character and influence our effectiveness or ineffectiveness. Habit is defined as the interaction of knowledge, skill and desire. Knowledge is the theoretical paradigm,

    Essay Length: 341 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: July 15, 2012
  • Vocabulary Case

    Vocabulary Case

    Vocabulary/ Knowledge The way that vocabulary shapes the way we can know and also the way that our knowledge is being communicated is by the specificity of the vocabulary. And there are many examples of this case like in religion, history, and politics. Also the vocabulary can be translated literally

    Essay Length: 606 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: April 19, 2013
  • War Weapons of the Song Dynasty

    War Weapons of the Song Dynasty

    War weapons of the Song Dynasty How did war weapons change significantly in the Song Dynasty? The Song Dynasty is considered a high point in ancient Chinese innovation with the revolutionary implementation of gun powder creating groundbreaking forms of warfare, the mass production of Iron and Steel to make cheaper

    Essay Length: 1,048 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: April 9, 2013
  • West Lake Home Furnishings Ltd Case Study

    West Lake Home Furnishings Ltd Case Study

    Executive Summary: West Lake Home Furnishings Ltd. was basically a manufacturer of lighting fixtures and floor lamps based in Canada. It had expanded into the retail segment as well as internet-based selling. The Canadian retail market was highly competitive and was growing at a high rate. Most of the manufacturing

    Essay Length: 486 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: December 27, 2011
  • Western Nations

    Western Nations

    Should Western nations put pressure on African cultures to stop the practice of female genital mutilation? Would it be any different than if Africans tried to stop Westerners from having breast enhancements, liposuction, or "nose jobs" because these operations violated their values? I really in this case think that they

    Essay Length: 378 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: July 8, 2012
  • What Did I Do over Spring Break

    What Did I Do over Spring Break

    The Peculiar Stranger By: Jerrod Lane Matt Riegel is living a wonderful life as a fisherman in the peculiar town of Cardiff. He has a girlfriend named Katy Solomon that is now the proud manager of a local grocery store. At his home that had just been past down to

    Essay Length: 749 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: September 7, 2017

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